pinstripe Life&Death Help3 pinstripeB Inflation Help4 Pinstripe&buttons BUTTONUP BUTTONUP BUTTONUP BUTTONUP BUTTONUP BUTTONUP previous ButtonUp "Menu" ButtonUp ButtonUp HelpMenu "HowToUse" B"HelpMenu" "Items" - Menus & Mice" tonUp keyDown buttonUp leaveButton buttonUp HowToUse keyDown HelpMenu leaveButton Items HowToUse Items - Menus & Mice Help Menu Help1 B"LoanAmortization" key, isShift, isCtrl B"HelpMenu" keyDownArrow keyEnter "dummy" B"FVLumpSum" "MenuSelection" "BrightridgeButton" "PrevPageButton" "HiFiMenuButton" "NextPageButton" "HelpMenuButton" terPage keyDown enterPage leavePage enterPage LoanAmortization keyDown LoanAmortization HelpMenu KkeyDown HelpMenu dummy FVLumpSum HelpMenu HelpMenu KkeyDown dummy HelpMenu LoanAmortization FVLumpSum LoanAmortization FVLumpSum dummy isCtrl isShift leavePage MenuSelection 240,50,100 MenuSelection 0,100,0 BrightridgeButton 240,50,100 BrightridgeButton 0,100,0 PrevPageButton 240,50,100 PrevPageButton 0,100,0 HiFiMenuButton 240,50,100 HiFiMenuButton 0,100,0 NextPageButton 240,50,100 NextPageButton 0,100,0 HelpMenuButton 240,50,100 HelpMenuButton 0,100,0 dummy )6)^) )J*r* +j;0-X- BUTTONUP BUTTONUP BUTTONUP BUTTONUP BUTTONUP BUTTONUP previous ButtonUp "Menu" ButtonUp ButtonUp BUTTONUP BUTTONUP BUTTONUP BUTTONUP BUTTONUP BUTTONUP previous ButtonUp "Menu" ButtonUp ButtonUp For Mouse Users Only: HiField Hi, Finance! Help: Page 1ne -- Menus & Navigation Menus & Mouse Funnturesigation HiFiMenuButton Hi, Finance! Menu Button: to Main Menu PrevPageButton Previous Page Button: to previous page NextPageButton Next Page Button: to next pagepagepage BUTTONUP BUTTONUP BUTTONUP BUTTONUP BUTTONUP BUTTONUP previous w m' ButtonUp "Menu" ButtonUp ButtonUp Today's Investment Growsrows Loan Amortization LoanAmortization "dummy" enterButton leaveButton buttonUp enterButton leaveButton buttonUp dummy FVLumpSum "dummy" enterButton leaveButton buttonUp enterButton leaveButton buttonUp dummy MenuSelection Menu selection: menu item with current focus is highlighted. Move focus by using mouse, tab key (or shift+tab), or up/down arrow keys. Select by clicking mouse or hitting space bar. Warning! these buttons are live! HelpMenu "HowToUse" buttonUp buttonUp HowToUse Help Menu FarRange MidRange NearRange BRS_Inc Brightridge Solutions, Inc. Brightridge HelpMenuButton Help Menu Button: to Help Topics & Index BrightridgeButton Brightridge button: to info about publisher, author, future releasesssssssss dummy "dummy" B"LoanAmortization" buttonUp button dummy buttonUp dummy LoanAmortization No, we're not really going there now. But that's the idea! (click here to zap this) zap this) "HowToUse" B"HelpMenu" "Items" - Menus & Mice" tonUp keyDown buttonUp leaveButton buttonUp HowToUse keyDown HelpMenu leaveButton Items HowToUse Items - Menus & Mice "HowToUse" B"HelpMenu" "Items" - Menus & Mice" tonUp keyDown buttonUp leaveButton buttonUp HowToUse keyDown HelpMenu leaveButton Items HowToUse Items - Menus & Mice "HowToUse" B"HelpMenu" "Items" - Menus & Mice" tonUp keyDown buttonUp leaveButton buttonUp HowToUse keyDown HelpMenu leaveButton Items HowToUse Items - Menus & Mice "HowToUse" B"HelpMenu" "Items" - Menus & Mice" tonUp keyDown buttonUp leaveButton buttonUp HowToUse keyDown HelpMenu leaveButton Items HowToUse Items - Menus & Mice "HowToUse" B"HelpMenu" "Items" - Menus & Mice" tonUp keyDown buttonUp leaveButton buttonUp HowToUse keyDown HelpMenu leaveButton Items HowToUse Items - Menus & Mice "HowToUse" B"HelpMenu" "Items" - Menus & Mice" tonUp keyDown buttonUp leaveButton buttonUp HowToUse keyDown HelpMenu leaveButton Items HowToUse Items - Menus & Mice Pinstripe&buttons Help2 B"HelpMenu" "TabKey" "ShiftKey" "SpaceBar" "DeleteKey" "HomeKey" "EndKey" "UpArrowKey" "DownArrowKey" "LeftArrowKey" "RightArrowKey" "PageUpKey" "PageDownKey" enterPage leavePage enterPage HelpMenu leavePage TabKey 240,50,100 TabKey 0,100,0 ShiftKey 240,50,100 ShiftKey 0,100,0 SpaceBar 240,50,100 SpaceBar 0,100,0 DeleteKey 240,50,100 DeleteKey 0,100,0 HomeKey 240,50,100 HomeKey 0,100,0 EndKey 240,50,100 EndKey 0,100,0 UpArrowKey 240,50,100 UpArrowKey 0,100,0 DownArrowKey 240,50,100 DownArrowKey 0,100,0 LeftArrowKey 240,50,100 LeftArrowKey 0,100,0 RightArrowKey 240,50,100 RightArrowKey 0,100,0 PageUpKey 240,50,100 PageUpKey 0,100,0 PageDownKey 240,50,100 PageDownKey 0,100,0 #$&6(b* 6@6h6 HiField Hi, Finance! Help: Page 21 -- Menus & Navigation Using the Keyboard HomeKey "HowToUse" B"HelpMenu" "Items" - Menus & Mice" tonUp keyDown buttonUp leaveButton buttonUp HowToUse keyDown HelpMenu leaveButton Items HowToUse Items - Menus & Mice Home: to Main Menu Main Menu PageUpKey "HowToUse" B"HelpMenu" "Items" - Menus & Mice" tonUp keyDown buttonUp leaveButton buttonUp HowToUse keyDown HelpMenu leaveButton Items HowToUse Items - Menus & Mice Page Up: to previous pageeding page UpArrowKey "HowToUse" B"HelpMenu" "Items" - Menus & Mice" tonUp keyDown buttonUp leaveButton buttonUp HowToUse keyDown HelpMenu leaveButton Items HowToUse Items - Menus & Mice Up Arrow: to previous field or radio button choice..d choice. LeftArrowKey "HowToUse" B"HelpMenu" "Items" - Menus & Mice" tonUp keyDown buttonUp leaveButton buttonUp HowToUse keyDown HelpMenu leaveButton Items HowToUse Items - Menus & Mice Left Arrow: to previous fieldd 3 I \ RightArrowKey "HowToUse" B"HelpMenu" "Items" - Menus & Mice" tonUp keyDown buttonUp leaveButton buttonUp HowToUse keyDown HelpMenu leaveButton Items HowToUse Items - Menus & Mice Right Arrow: to next field EndKey "HowToUse" B"HelpMenu" "Items" - Menus & Mice" tonUp keyDown buttonUp leaveButton buttonUp HowToUse keyDown HelpMenu leaveButton Items HowToUse Items - Menus & Mice End: to Brightridge Solutions info on last page DownArrowKey "HowToUse" B"HelpMenu" "Items" - Menus & Mice" tonUp keyDown buttonUp leaveButton buttonUp HowToUse keyDown HelpMenu leaveButton Items HowToUse Items - Menus & Mice ~,6,{, Down Arrow: to next field or radio button choice PageDownKey "HowToUse" B"HelpMenu" "Items" - Menus & Mice" tonUp keyDown buttonUp leaveButton buttonUp HowToUse keyDown HelpMenu leaveButton Items HowToUse Items - Menus & Mice Page Down: to next page Shift Space TabKey "HowToUse" B"HelpMenu" "Items" - Menus & Mice" tonUp keyDown buttonUp leaveButton buttonUp HowToUse keyDown HelpMenu leaveButton Items HowToUse Items - Menus & Mice j:":g: Tab: to next field; used with shift key, to previous field ShiftKey "HowToUse" B"HelpMenu" "Items" - Menus & Mice" tonUp keyDown buttonUp leaveButton buttonUp HowToUse keyDown HelpMenu leaveButton Items HowToUse Items - Menus & Mice Shift: used with Tab key to move to previous field SpaceBar "HowToUse" B"HelpMenu" "Items" - Menus & Mice" tonUp keyDown buttonUp leaveButton buttonUp HowToUse keyDown HelpMenu leaveButton Items HowToUse Items - Menus & Mice Space Bar: to make menu selection or take action Delete DeleteKey "HowToUse" B"HelpMenu" "Items" - Menus & Mice" tonUp keyDown buttonUp leaveButton buttonUp HowToUse keyDown HelpMenu leaveButton Items HowToUse Items - Menus & Mice Delete: used to clear entry in current field Help3 B"HelpMenu" "Label" "EntryField" "CheckBox" "RadioButtons" "OutputField" "ClearButton" "CalculateButton" enterPage leavePage enterPage HelpMenu leavePage Label 240,50,100 Label 0,100,0 EntryField 240,50,100 EntryField 0,100,0 CheckBox 240,50,100 CheckBox 0,100,0 RadioButtons 240,50,100 RadioButtons 0,100,0 OutputField 240,50,100 OutputField 0,100,0 ClearButton 240,50,100 ClearButton 0,100,0 CalculateButton 240,50,100 CalculateButton 0,100,0 Clear Clear Calculate Calculate HiField Hi, Finance! Help: Page 32o -- Menus & Navigation Entry & Output Fieldsssssssss Net Present Value NetPresentValue 35249 Output Fields OutputField "HowToUse" B"HelpMenu" "Items" - Menus & Mice" tonUp keyDown buttonUp leaveButton buttonUp HowToUse keyDown HelpMenu leaveButton Items HowToUse Items - Menus & Mice Output Field (cyan): gives results of calculations; non-modifiable CalculateButton "HowToUse" B"HelpMenu" "Items" - Menus & Mice" tonUp keyDown buttonUp leaveButton buttonUp HowToUse keyDown HelpMenu leaveButton Items HowToUse Items - Menus & Mice Calculate button: will complete all action for the page's process. "OK" buttons are similar. ClearButton "HowToUse" B"HelpMenu" "Items" - Menus & Mice" tonUp keyDown buttonUp leaveButton buttonUp HowToUse keyDown HelpMenu leaveButton Items HowToUse Items - Menus & Mice Clear button: will set all entry fields to null. InterestRate EnterField "InterestRateHelp" LeaveField default nterField buttonup EnterField LeaveField EnterField InterestRateHelp buttonup InterestRateHelp LeaveField InterestRateHelp default 8.00% Entry Fields EntryField "HowToUse" B"HelpMenu" "Items" - Menus & Mice" tonUp keyDown buttonUp leaveButton buttonUp HowToUse keyDown HelpMenu leaveButton Items HowToUse Items - Menus & Mice Entry Field (white): type in entry and tab to next field or move mouse or up/down arrow keys.keys. Label "HowToUse" B"HelpMenu" "Items" - Menus & Mice" tonUp keyDown buttonUp leaveButton buttonUp HowToUse keyDown HelpMenu leaveButton Items HowToUse Items - Menus & Mice Label (dark red): describes entry; to learn more, click on label field to reveal help field (yellow). Try it now! it now! Periods Periods PerRadioGroup EnterField 0,30,100 0,30,100 0,30,100 EnterField leaveField EnterField 0,100,0 leaveField Months B"Months" B"Years" buttonUp buttonUp Months Years Months Years B"Months" B"Years" buttonUp buttonUp Months Years Years RadioButtons "HowToUse" B"HelpMenu" "Items" - Menus & Mice" tonUp keyDown buttonUp leaveButton buttonUp HowToUse keyDown HelpMenu leaveButton Items HowToUse Items - Menus & Mice Radio Buttons: (only one choice of group allowed): click selection with mouse or use up/down arrow keys to switch. CheckBox "HowToUse" B"HelpMenu" "Items" - Menus & Mice" tonUp keyDown buttonUp leaveButton buttonUp HowToUse keyDown HelpMenu leaveButton Items HowToUse Items - Menus & Mice Check Box: clicking mouse button or tapping space bar toggles feature on or off. EnterButton LeaveButton B"HelpMenu" EnterButton LeaveButton buttonUp EnterButton 0,100,0 0,0,0 LeaveButton 0,0,0 0,100,0 buttonUp HelpMenu InterestRateHelp "InterestRateHelp" buttonup buttonup InterestRateHelp The rate is the percentage by which the investment appreciates per year. MortgagePmts FVAnnuity PVAnnuity b=d=d= ("This investment covers how many periods?" c"Cancel" "Menu" "NPV" "Periods" whichfield <> 0 "Period0" key, isShift, isCtrl B"Clear" keyDownArrow "Brightridge" keyEnter B"Calculate" whichever "Rate" "NetPresentValue" "InternalRateofReturn" "AnyHelp" keyDown enterPage keyUp leavePage enterPage This investment covers how many periods? Cancel Periods Periods Period0 j:to1 whichfield keyDown Period0 Clear KkeyDown Clear Brightridge Clear Period0 Period0 KkeyDown Brightridge buttonUp Calculate KkeyDown KkeyDown Brightridge whichever isCtrl isShift keyUp Period0 Period0 leavePage Periods Period0 NetPresentValue InternalRateofReturn AnyHelp j:to1 whichfield 0r1t2 "AnyHelp" buttonUp buttonUp AnyHelp Initial Investment: "AnyHelp" buttonUp buttonUp AnyHelp Cash Flow Year: "AnyHelp" buttonUp buttonUp AnyHelp Net Present Value NetPresentValue Initial Investment: Period0 EnterField LeaveField "Period0" nterField LeaveField EnterField keyUp EnterField 0,100,0 0,0,0 LeaveField 0,0,0 0,100,0 keyUp Period0 "AnyHelp" buttonUp buttonUp AnyHelp Target Rate: EnterField "Rate" LeaveField >=1 4 /100 EnterField LeaveField EnterField LeaveField .050002 Calculate PVFactor Rate, PeriodNum 1/(1+ 4haltState G" = 0 ("Please enter the Target whichfield CumPV "NetPresentValue" "Periods" " >= 1 "/100 cash flow period" Field " ",i) CumPv + "Period0" %"###.00" -- calculate IRR StartTime e) * "*10 ) "TestValue" "InternalRateofReturn" V) >.5 -cumPV ) >1000 IRR-.002 ) >100 ) > 50 ) > 25 ) >10 ) >5 ) >1 ) >.5 ) < -1000 IRR+.0025 ) < -100 &0125 ) < -50 K0085 ) < -25 p0055 ) < -10 00425 ) < -5 ) < -1 00055 ) <-.5 00045 NowTime >120 n"*100 %"#0. buttonUp PVFactor PVFactor PeriodNum buttonUp Please enter the Target Rate NetPresentValue Periods Please enter cash flow for period .0000 PVFactor CumPv NetPresentValue Period0 NetPresentValue ###.00 seconds NetPresentValue Period0 TestValue NetPresentValue InternalRateofReturn InternalRateofReturn 0.0000 TestValue Periods PVFactor CumPv TestValue Period0 cumPV TestValue TestValue TestValue TestValue TestValue TestValue TestValue TestValue TestValue TestValue TestValue TestValue TestValue TestValue TestValue TestValue 0.000000 InternalRateofReturn InternalRateofReturn 0.0000 InternalRateofReturn InternalRateofReturn InternalRateofReturn #0.0000 % NowTime i:to1 StartTime CumPV whichfield haltState Calculate Clear whichfield "Periods" "Period0" "NetPresentValue" "InternalRateofReturn" "NPV" buttonUp buttonUp Periods Period0 NetPresentValue InternalRateofReturn enterPage j:to1 whichfield Clear "AnyHelp" buttonUp buttonUp AnyHelp Internal Rate of Return "AnyHelp" buttonUp buttonUp AnyHelp Years InternalRateofReturn Periods EnterField "Periods" EnterField EnterField Periods TestValue 0.43268515152703918 AnyHelp "AnyHelp" buttonup buttonup AnyHelp Click on Page Title for definitionsssnitions NPVHelp ButtonUp level "NPVHelp" ButtonUp ButtonUp NPVHelp level NPVHelp 5level Evaluating Investments: NPV & IRR is designed to help the investor determine the attractiveness of various opportunities in which the annual paybacks are not equal to one another. Both the net present value and internal rate of return of the investment is calculated to provide the investor with two different tools upon which to evaluate the investments. The net present value is useful in providing a "dollar" figure to gauge the profitability of an opportunity above a certain desired rate of return. The internal rate of return provides a percentage figure useful in comparing projects of different sizes to one another. Both are only as good as the estimates of cash flows you provide. Initial Investment: amount invested at outset. (Assumes cash outflow) Cash Flow Year ___: that year's payback from the investment. Assumes cash inflow (use "-" if outflow) Years: the life of the investment & payback. Here we are limited to 10 years. Target Rate: the desired annual rate of return over the life of the investment & payback Net Present Value: the present value of the excess or shortfall of paybacks compared to that achievable at the target rate. It is the sum of the present values of all the cash flows less the initial investment Internal Rate of Return: the calculated rate at which the net present value of the investment is 0 he initial investment Internal Rate of Return: the calculated rate at which the net present value of the investment is 0 Yearly amount expected from pensions: income expected from pensions and similar plans Yearly amount expected from Social Security: if desired, estimate yearly benefits from Social Securiy Amount available today to invest toward retirement: funds available for investment toward retirement Calculated yearly amount needed to fund retirement goals: The calculated yearly investment needed ent needed FVLumpSum Brightridge keyEnter B"ReturnToMenu" keyDown keyDown buttonUp ReturnToMenu ReturnToMenu ButtonUp "Menu" ButtonUp ButtonUp Roger "Roger" buttonUp buttonUp Roger Roger C. Hoover is the founder of Brightridge Solutions, Inc. and the programmer for Hi, Finance! In addition, he is associated with the public accounting firm of Hoover Harrision Associates, P.C. in Kingsport, Tennessee. He is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the Tennessee Society of Certified Public Accountants. He received a B.S. in Communications from the University of Tennessee and an M.B.A. from East Tennessee State University. Before entering the accounting profession, he worked in radio broadcasting and served as a News Secretary for two members of Congress, was State Coordinator for a presidential campaign, and was licensed to sell real estate, life insurance, and mutual funds. Roger lives in Kingsport, Tennessee with his wife Susan Robinson Hoover, a professional musician, and his son Roger William Hoover, age two, who pretty much does what he pleases. 1534 Brightridge Drive, Kingsport, TN 37664 (615) 246-3337 CIS 74676,235 "PCPW" buttonup buttonup PC PowerWindows is a monthly magazine devoted to users of the Microsoft Windows and Presentation Manager environments. For subscription and other information, contact: PC PowerWindows 300 Snowbird Drive P.O. Box 31547 Knoxville, TN 37930-1547 (615) 693-5829 Registered users of Hi, Finance! will receive a complimentary issue of PC PowerWindows. Brightridge CheckTool Fg&g&gi HowToUse B"Menus&Mice" key, isShift, isCtrl placemarker `ouseList" B"SpecialGadgets" "Items" = - Using The Keyboard" keyDownArrow "Brightridge" keyEnter "Help1" "SpecialGadgetsList" - Entry & Output" "Help4" B"UsingTheKeyboard" "UsingKeyboardList" "Help2" &OutputList" "Help3" -- Individual Topics Scroll Lists selectedTextState WhatTerm Selection" "MenuSelection" B(mouse)" "BrightridgeButton" "Hi, Finance! "HiFiMenuButton" "Previous Page "PrevPageButton" "Next "NextPageButton" "HelpMenuButton" c"Tab key" "TabKey" "ShiftKey" c"Space bar" "SpaceBar" c"Delete "DeleteKey" c"Home "HomeKey" c"End "EndKey" c"Up "UpArrowKey" "DownArrowKey" c"Left "LeftArrowKey" c"Right "RightArrowKey" "PageUpKey" "PageDownKey" c"Label" Field" "EntryField" c"Check Box" "CheckBox" c"Radio Buttons" "RadioButtons" "OutputField" c"Clear "ClearButton" c"Calculate "CalculateButton" c"Cyan coding" c"Dark Red c"Yellow "YellowCoding" c"White c"Combo boxes" "ComboBoxes" fields/Scrollbars" "ScrollFields" c"Up/ buttons" "Up/DownButtons" c"Dialog "DialogBoxes" terPage keyDown enterPage leavePage enterPage Menus&Mice NkeyDown Menus&Mice Menus&MouseList SpecialGadgets Items Items - Special Gadgets Menus&MouseList Items Items - Using The Keyboard Menus&MouseList KkeyDown Items Items - Using The Keyboard Menus&MouseList SpecialGadgets Items Items - Special Gadgets Menus&MouseList Brightridge Menus&MouseList Help1 SpecialGadgets SpecialGadgetsList Menus&Mice Items Items - Menus & Mice SpecialGadgetsList Items Items - Entry & Output SpecialGadgetsList Menus&Mice Items Items - Menus & Mice SpecialGadgetsList KkeyDown Items Items - Entry & Output SpecialGadgetsList Brightridge SpecialGadgetsList Help4 UsingTheKeyboard UsingKeyboardList Items Items - Entry & Output UsingKeyboardList Items Items - Menus & Mice UsingKeyboardList KkeyDown Items Items - Entry & Output UsingKeyboardList KkeyDown Items Items - Menus & Mice UsingKeyboardList Brightridge UsingKeyboardList Help2 Entry&Output Entry&OutputList Items Items - Special Gadgets Entry&OutputList Items Items - Using The Keyboard Entry&OutputList KkeyDown Items Items - Special Gadgets Entry&OutputList KkeyDown Items Items - Using The Keyboard Entry&OutputList Brightridge Entry&OutputList Help3 Menus&MouseList Menus&MouseList Menus&MouseList Menus&MouseList Menus&Mice Menus&MouseList Menus&MouseList Menu Selection Help1 MenuSelection 0,0,0 MenuSelection 60,50,100 Brightridge button (mouse) Help1 BrightridgeButton 0,0,0 BrightridgeButton 60,50,100 Hi, Finance! Menu button (mouse) Help1 HiFiMenuButton 0,0,0 HiFiMenuButton 60,50,100 Previous Page button (mouse) Help1 PrevPageButton 0,0,0 PrevPageButton 60,50,100 Next Page button (mouse) Help1 NextPageButton 0,0,0 NextPageButton 60,50,100 Help Menu button (mouse) Help1 HelpMenuButton 0,0,0 HelpMenuButton 60,50,100 UsingKeyboardList UsingKeyboardList UsingKeyboardList UsingKeyboardList UsingTheKeyboard UsingKeyboardList UsingKeyboardList Tab key Help2 TabKey 0,0,0 TabKey 60,50,100 Shift key Help2 ShiftKey 0,0,0 ShiftKey 60,50,100 Space bar Help2 SpaceBar 0,0,0 SpaceBar 60,50,100 Delete key Help2 DeleteKey 0,0,0 DeleteKey 60,50,100 Home key Help2 HomeKey 0,0,0 HomeKey 60,50,100 End key Help2 EndKey 0,0,0 EndKey 60,50,100 Up Arrow key Help2 UpArrowKey 0,0,0 UpArrowKey 60,50,100 Down Arrow key Help2 DownArrowKey 0,0,0 DownArrowKey 60,50,100 Left Arrow key Help2 LeftArrowKey 0,0,0 LeftArrowKey 60,50,100 Right Arrow key Help2 RightArrowKey 0,0,0 RightArrowKey 60,50,100 Page Up key Help2 PageUpKey 0,0,0 PageUpKey 60,50,100 Page Down key Help2 PageDownKey 0,0,0 PageDownKey 60,50,100 Entry&OutputList Entry&OutputList Entry&OutputList Entry&OutputList Entry&Output Entry&OutputList Entry&OutputList Label Help3 Label 0,0,0 Label 60,50,100 Entry Field Help3 EntryField 0,0,0 EntryField 60,50,100 Check Box Help3 CheckBox 0,0,0 CheckBox 60,50,100 Radio Buttons Help3 RadioButtons 0,0,0 RadioButtons 60,50,100 Output Field Help3 OutputField 0,0,0 OutputField 60,50,100 Clear button Help3 ClearButton 0,0,0 ClearButton 60,50,100 Calculate button Help3 CalculateButton 0,0,0 CalculateButton 60,50,100 Cyan coding Help3 OutputField 0,0,0 OutputField 60,50,100 Dark Red coding Help3 Label 0,0,0 Label 60,50,100 Yellow coding Help3 YellowCoding 0,0,0 YellowCoding 60,50,100 White coding Help3 EntryField 0,0,0 EntryField 60,50,100 SpecialGadgetsList SpecialGadgetsList SpecialGadgetsList SpecialGadgetsList SpecialGadgets SpecialGadgetsList SpecialGadgetsList Combo boxes Help4 ComboBoxes 0,0,0 ComboBoxes 60,50,100 Scroll fields/Scrollbars Help4 ScrollFields 0,0,0 ScrollFields 60,50,100 Up/Down buttons Help4 Up/DownButtons 0,0,0 Up/DownButtons 60,50,100 Dialog boxes Help4 DialogBoxes 0,0,0 DialogBoxes 60,50,100 WhatTerm placemarker isCtrl isShift leavePage UsingTheKeyboard Entry&Output SpecialGadgets B|B0C f2l2l2l HiField Hi, Finance! Help: How To Use Topics & Index CategoryComboList RESETBORDERSTYLE 4u, l, tl, m 4u, l, tl, m, svTextLineNumber + <= u + 15 + 1) c >= l - 15 + 6) svTextLIneNumber > 0 "CategoryComboLabel" ESETBORDERSTYLE buttondown buttonstilldown RESETBORDERSTYLE buttonup RESETBORDERSTYLE scrolling rectangle buttondown buttonstilldown textfrompoint svTextLineNumber buttonup textfrompoint svTextLIneNumber CategoryComboLabel svTextLineNumber Menu selection Brightridge button (mouse) Hi, Finance! menu button (mouse) Previous Page button (mouse) Next Page button (mouse) Help Menu button (mouse) BlankList RESETBORDERSTYLE 4u, l, tl, m 4u, l, tl, m, svTextLineNumber + <= u + 15 + 1) c >= l - 15 + 6) svTextLIneNumber > 0 WhatTerm "SelectedTopic" keyEnter "Menus&MouseList" ESETBORDERSTYLE buttondown buttonstilldown RESETBORDERSTYLE buttonup RESETBORDERSTYLE scrolling rectangle buttondown buttonstilldown textfrompoint svTextLineNumber buttonup textfrompoint svTextLIneNumber SelectedTopic KkeyDown Menus&MouseList WhatTerm svTextLineNumber ection Brightridge button (mouse) Hi, Finance! Menu button (mouse) Previous Page button (mouse) Next Page button (mouse) Help Menu button (mouse) MortgageCalculator 0,30,100 Menus & Mouse Usage Mortgage Loan Calculatorlatorrrrrrrrrrrrr LoanAmort Using the Keyboardn LifeInsurance Entry & Output Fields Retirement Special Gadgets irement Menus&Mice "Menus&MouseList" ButtonUp "Help1" enterButton ButtonUp leaveButton enterButton Menus&MouseList ButtonUp Menus&MouseList Help1 leaveButton UsingTheKeyboard "UsingKeyboardList" ButtonUp "Help2" enterButton ButtonUp leaveButton enterButton UsingKeyboardList ButtonUp UsingKeyboardList Help2 leaveButton Entry&Output ButtonUp "Entry&OutputList" "Help3" tonUp enterButton ButtonUp leaveButton ButtonUp Entry&OutputList Help3 enterButton Entry&OutputList leaveButton SpecialGadgets ButtonUp "SpecialGadgetsList" "Help4" "Menus&MouseList" "UsingKeyboardList" "Entry&OutputList" tonUp enterButton ButtonUp leaveButton ButtonUp SpecialGadgetsList Help4 enterButton SpecialGadgetsList leaveButton Menus&MouseList RESETBORDERSTYLE + 1) 4u, l, tl, m 4u, l, tl, m, svTextLineNumber + <= u + 15 + 1) c >= l - 15 + 6) svTextLIneNumber > 0 WhatTerm keyEnter "Menus&MouseList" RDERSTYLE enterField buttondown RESETBORDERSTYLE buttonstilldown buttonup RESETBORDERSTYLE scrolling rectangle enterField buttondown buttonstilldown textfrompoint svTextLineNumber buttonup textfrompoint svTextLIneNumber KkeyDown Menus&MouseList WhatTerm svTextLineNumber Menu Selection Brightridge button (mouse) Hi, Finance! Menu button (mouse) Previous Page button (mouse) Next Page button (mouse) Help Menu button (mouse) Topics Items Items - Menus & Miceyboard Select desired topic on left, or use right arrow key to shift focus to scroll list. Pick item to highlight on its page. Left arrow key or Topics title button restores focus to Topics Topics list.s to Topics list. UsingKeyboardList RESETBORDERSTYLE + 1) 4u, l, tl, m 4u, l, tl, m, svTextLineNumber + <= u + 15 + 1) c >= l - 15 + 6) svTextLIneNumber > 0 WhatTerm keyEnter B"UsingTheKeyboard" "HowToUse" RDERSTYLE enterField buttondown RESETBORDERSTYLE buttonstilldown buttonup RESETBORDERSTYLE scrolling rectangle enterField buttondown buttonstilldown textfrompoint svTextLineNumber buttonup textfrompoint svTextLIneNumber KkeyDown UsingTheKeyboard HowToUse WhatTerm svTextLineNumber Tab key Shift key Space bar Delete key Home key End key Up Arrow key Down Arrow key Left Arrow key Right Arrow key Page Up key Page Down key (mouse) Entry&OutputList RESETBORDERSTYLE + 1) 4u, l, tl, m 4u, l, tl, m, svTextLineNumber + <= u + 15 + 1) c >= l - 15 + 6) svTextLIneNumber > 0 WhatTerm "Entry&OutputList" keyEnter RDERSTYLE enterField buttondown RESETBORDERSTYLE buttonstilldown buttonup RESETBORDERSTYLE scrolling rectangle enterField buttondown buttonstilldown textfrompoint svTextLineNumber buttonup textfrompoint svTextLIneNumber KkeyDown Entry&OutputList WhatTerm svTextLineNumber Label Entry Field Check Box Radio Buttons Output Field Clear button Calculate button Cyan coding Dark Red coding Yellow coding White coding SpecialGadgetsList RESETBORDERSTYLE + 1) 4u, l, tl, m 4u, l, tl, m, svTextLineNumber + <= u + 15 + 1) c >= l - 15 + 6) svTextLIneNumber > 0 WhatTerm "SpecialGadgetsList" keyEnter "SelectedTopic" enterField buttondown RESETBORDERSTYLE buttonstilldown buttonup buttonDoubleClick RESETBORDERSTYLE scrolling rectangle enterField buttondown buttonstilldown textfrompoint svTextLineNumber buttonup textfrompoint svTextLIneNumber SpecialGadgetsList KkeyDown WhatTerm svTextLineNumber buttonDoubleClick SelectedTopic KkeyDown WhatTerm svTextLineNumber Combo boxes Scroll fields/Scrollbars Up/Down buttons Dialog boxes B"Menus&Mice" buttonUp buttonUp Menus&Mice tonUp Menus&Mice LifeInsurance "AppreciationRate" key, isShift, isCtrl B"Clear" keyDownArrow "Menu" "Brightridge" keyEnter B"Calculate" "FinalExpenses" "LumpSum" "MortgagePayOff" "InflationRate" "LivingExpenses1" "LivingExpenses2" "LivingExpenses3" "LivingPeriod1" "LivingPeriod2" "LivingPeriod3" "OtherIncome" "OtherAvailableSum" "SocialSecurity1" "SocialSecurity2" "SocialSecurity3" "SocialSecurityPeriod1" "AnyHelp" keyDown enterPage keyUp leavePage enterPage AppreciationRate e keyDown AppreciationRate Clear KkeyDown Clear Brightridge Clear AppreciationRate AppreciationRate KkeyDown Brightridge buttonUp Calculate KkeyDown KkeyDown Brightridge isCtrl isShift ' keyUp FinalExpenses FinalExpenses LumpSum LumpSum MortgagePayOff MortgagePayOff AppreciationRate InflationRate InflationRate LivingExpenses1 LivingExpenses1 LivingExpenses2 LivingExpenses2 LivingExpenses3 LivingExpenses3 LivingPeriod1 LivingPeriod1 LivingPeriod2 LivingPeriod2 LivingPeriod3 LivingPeriod3 OtherIncome OtherIncome OtherAvailableSum OtherAvailableSum SocialSecurity1 SocialSecurity1 SocialSecurity2 SocialSecurity2 SocialSecurity3 SocialSecurity3 SocialSecurityPeriod1 SocialSecurityPeriod1 SocialSecurityPeriod2 SocialSecurityPeriod2 SocialSecurityPeriod3 SocialSecurityPeriod3 leavePage AnyHelp V`S`S`S`S`S Life&Death "InsuranceHelp" buttonUp buttonUp InsuranceHelp InsuranceHelp Matters of Life & Death: Life Insurance "AnyHelp" buttonUp buttonUp AnyHelp Assumed Appreciation Rateion Assumed Inflation Rate "AnyHelp" buttonUp buttonUp AnyHelp Final Expenses "AnyHelp" buttonUp buttonUp AnyHelp Other Lump Sum Needed at Death "AnyHelp" buttonUp buttonUp AnyHelp Pay-Off Mortgage & Debts "AnyHelp" buttonUp buttonUp AnyHelp Yearly Survivors' Living Expenses:::::::::::ors: "AnyHelp" buttonUp buttonUp AnyHelp Period 1 for years Period 2 for years "AnyHelp" buttonUp buttonUp AnyHelp Period 2 for years Period 2 for years "AnyHelp" buttonUp buttonUp AnyHelp Period 3 for years Period 2 for years "AnyHelp" buttonUp buttonUp AnyHelp Other Yearly Income "AnyHelp" buttonUp buttonUp AnyHelp Other Funds Availableeee "AnyHelp" buttonUp buttonUp AnyHelp Social Security Survivors Benefits: riod 1 for years "AnyHelp" buttonUp buttonUp AnyHelp Period 1 for years Period 2 for years Button "AnyHelp" buttonUp buttonUp AnyHelp Period 2 for years Period 2 for years "AnyHelp" buttonUp buttonUp AnyHelp Period 3 for years Period 2 for years AppreciationRate EnterField <47 > 57 "AppreciationRate" LeaveField nterField keyChar EnterField LeaveField EnterField 0,100,0 0,0,0 keyChar AppreciationRate LeaveField 0,0,0 0,100,0 .080002 InflationRate EnterField LeaveField EnterField LeaveField EnterField 0,100,0 0,0,0 LeaveField 0,0,0 0,100,0 .050002 FinalExpenses 9/ Y0 EnterField LeaveField EnterField LeaveField EnterField 0,100,0 0,0,0 LeaveField 0,0,0 0,100,0 LumpSum 9:9Y1 EnterField LeaveField EnterField LeaveField EnterField 0,100,0 0,0,0 LeaveField 0,0,0 0,100,0 50000 MortgagePayOff EnterField LeaveField EnterField LeaveField EnterField 0,100,0 0,0,0 LeaveField 0,0,0 0,100,0 65000 LivingExpenses1 ;,4Y5 EnterField LeaveField EnterField LeaveField EnterField 0,100,0 0,0,0 LeaveField 0,0,0 0,100,0 200000 LivingPeriod1 EnterField LeaveField EnterField LeaveField EnterField 0,100,0 0,0,0 LeaveField 0,0,0 0,100,0 LivingExpenses2 EnterField LeaveField EnterField LeaveField EnterField 0,100,0 0,0,0 LeaveField 0,0,0 0,100,0 150000 LivingPeriod2 EnterField LeaveField EnterField LeaveField EnterField 0,100,0 0,0,0 LeaveField 0,0,0 0,100,0 LivingExpenses3 EnterField LeaveField EnterField LeaveField EnterField 0,100,0 0,0,0 LeaveField 0,0,0 0,100,0 120000 LivingPeriod3 EnterField LeaveField EnterField LeaveField EnterField 0,100,0 0,0,0 LeaveField 0,0,0 0,100,0 25000 OtherIncome EnterField LeaveField EnterField LeaveField EnterField 0,100,0 0,0,0 LeaveField 0,0,0 0,100,0 12000 OtherAvailableSum EnterField LeaveField EnterField LeaveField EnterField 0,100,0 0,0,0 LeaveField 0,0,0 0,100,0 200000 SocialSecurity1 EnterField LeaveField EnterField LeaveField EnterField 0,100,0 0,0,0 LeaveField 0,0,0 0,100,0 100000 SocialSecurityPeriod1 EnterField LeaveField EnterField LeaveField EnterField 0,100,0 0,0,0 LeaveField 0,0,0 0,100,0 10000 SocialSecurity2 EnterField LeaveField EnterField LeaveField EnterField 0,100,0 0,0,0 LeaveField 0,0,0 0,100,0 00000 SocialSecurityPeriod2 EnterField LeaveField EnterField LeaveField EnterField 0,100,0 0,0,0 LeaveField 0,0,0 0,100,0 SocialSecurity3 EnterField LeaveField EnterField LeaveField EnterField 0,100,0 0,0,0 LeaveField 0,0,0 0,100,0 60000 SocialSecurityPeriod3 EnterField LeaveField EnterField LeaveField EnterField 0,100,0 0,0,0 LeaveField 0,0,0 0,100,0 25000 Calculate "AppreciationRate" ("Please enter the R>= 1 h/100 "InflationRate" B>= 1 Z/100 "LivingExpenses1" amount living expenses period" "LivingPeriod1" years -- Get PV Field " PVLivingExpenses1 LivingExpenses2 AdjLivingExpenses2 LivingPeriod2") PVLivingExpenses2 LivingExpenses3 AdjLivingExpenses3 LivingPeriod3") PVLivingExpenses3 OtherIncome PVOtherIncome SocialSecurity1 "SocialSecurityPeriod1") PVSocialSecurity1 SocialSecurity2 AdjSocialSecurity2 PVSocialSecurity2 SocialSecurity3 d2")\ AdjSocialSecurity3 d3") PVSocialSecurity3 Net Amount Life Insurance Needed "FinalExpenses", "LumpSum",\ "MortgagePayoff", "OtherAvailableSum", - "LifeInsuranceNeeded" %"$ 000,000" buttonUp buttonUp AppreciationRate AppreciationRate Please enter the Rate of Appreciation AppreciationRate AppreciationRate AppreciationRate AppreciationRate AppreciationRate .0000 InflationRate InflationRate Please enter the Rate of Inflation InflationRate InflationRate InflationRate InflationRate InflationRate .0000 LivingExpenses1 Please enter amount of living expenses for the first period LivingExpenses1 LivingPeriod1 Please enter number of years in first living expense period LivingPeriod1 AppreciationRate InflationRate LivingPeriod1 LivingExpenses1 InflationRate LivingPeriod1 LivingExpenses2 AppreciationRate InflationRate LivingPeriod2 InflationRate LivingPeriod1 LivingPeriod2 LivingExpenses3 AppreciationRate InflationRate LivingPeriod3 AppreciationRate InflationRate LivingPeriod1 LivingPeriod2 LivingPeriod3 OtherIncome InflationRate SocialSecurityPeriod1 SocialSecurity1 InflationRate SocialSecurityPeriod1 SocialSecurity2 InflationRate SocialSecurity2 InflationRate SocialSecurityPeriod1 SocialSecurityPeriod2 SocialSecurity3 InflationRate SocialSecurityPeriod3 FinalExpenses LumpSum MortgagePayoff OtherAvailableSum LifeInsuranceNeeded LifeInsuranceNeeded $ 000,000 PVSocialSecurity3 AdjSocialSecurity3 PVSocialSecurity2 AdjSocialSecurity2 PVSocialSecurity1 PVOtherIncome PVLivingExpenses3 AdjLivingExpenses3 PVLivingExpenses2 AdjLivingExpenses2 PVLivingExpenses1 Calculate Clear "Principal" "Rate" "Periods" "FutureValue" buttonUp buttonUp Principal Periods FutureValue Principal Clear "AnyHelp" buttonUp buttonUp AnyHelp Total life insurance coverage needed LifeInsuranceNeeded $ 372,55767 "AnyHelp" buttonUp buttonUp AnyHelp AnyHelp Click on page title for definitionsfinitions "AnyHelp" buttonup buttonup AnyHelp InsuranceHelp ButtonUp level "InsuranceHelp" ButtonUp ButtonUp InsuranceHelp level InsuranceHelp Wlevel This Life Insurance module is intended to serve a starting point in your planning of life insurance needs. Because of the limitations here, there are many other factors you should consider. We have included some of the major items, however. Life insurance is more properly viewed as death insurance -- to protect your family in the case of your death. Much of this protection is to replace lost earnings. The calculations provide adjustments for inflation and investment earning. We urge you to consider buying low-cost term insurance from a reputable company rather than attempting to mix insurance and investments as if found in whole and universal life plans. Another thing to consider: your situation is constantly changing. Your financial planning should reflect those continuing changes. Assumed Appreciation Rate: the yearly rate at which your invested funds grow Assumed Inflation Rate: the yearly rate at which your money loses its buying power Final Expenses: those funds needed for such things as funeral & burial expenses & estate expenses Other Lump Sum Needed: funds desired to fund other goals at your death Pay-Off Mortgage & Debts: if desired, amount to pay off mortgage and/or other debts Other Yearly Income: family income expected (like spouse' salary) in addition to that provided from estate Other Funds Available: other funds available now for investment toward estate needs Yearly Survivors' Living Expenses: your family's living expenses after you're gone -- as needs change Social Security Survivors' Benefits: if desired, estimate benefits from Social Securiy Total Life Insurance Coverage Needed: The calculated total face amount of life insurance needed nowayach payment being applied to interest and principal and the resulting loan balance. It will handle regular fixed-rate mortgages. It is one of the slowest-running modules in this program, but a graphic progress indicator is provided. In an amortized loan, the amount of the monthly payments is calculated. From this payment, the monthly interest on the principal balance is calculated. Anything remaining from the monthly payment is used to reduce the principal balance, thereby reducing future interest amounts and freeing more of future payments to further reduce principal. At the conclusion of the loan pay-back period, the balance of the loan should be zero, that amount having been applied to reduce the principal balance. The remaining portions of the cumulative payments thus represent interest payments. Loan Amount: the original amount of the loan or principal Interest Rate: the annual rate of interest applied Loan Length: the period of time over which the loan is repaid Payment Amt: the monthly payment as calculated by the program Beep on finish: toggles "X" on or off to indicated whether to beep when the amortization routine concludes 1st Payment: the date of the first monthly payment - one month after loan date Pmt #: Monthly payment number Pmt Date: Date of the monthly payment To Interest: Amount of monthly payment applied to interest To Principal: Amount of monthly payment applied to reduce principal balance Balance: Remaining amount owed on loan This loan amortization module will prepare a schedule of monthly loan payments, detailing the portion of each payment being applied to interest and principal and the resulting loan balance. It will handle regular fixed-rate mortgages. It is one of the slowest-running modules in this program, but a graphic progress indicator is provided. In an amortized loan, the amount of the monthly payments is calculated. From this payment, the monthly interest on the principal balance is calculated. Anything remaining from the monthly payment is used to reduce the principal balance, thereby reducing future interest amounts and freeing more of future payments to further reduce principal. At the conclusion of the loan pay-back period, the balance of the loan should be zero, that amount having been applied to reduce the principal balance. The remaining portions of the cumulative payments thus represent interest payments. Loan Amount: the original amount of the loan or principal Interest Rate: the annual rate of interest applied Loan Length: the period of time over which the loan is repaid Payment Amt: the monthly payment as calculated by the program Beep on finish: toggles "X" on or off to indicated whether to beep when the amortization routine concludes 1st Payment: the date of the first monthly payment - one month after loan date Pmt #: Monthly payment number Pmt Date: Date of the monthly payment To Interest: Amount of monthly payment applied to interest To Principal: Amount of monthly payment applied to reduce principal balance Balance: Remaining amount owed on loan This loan amortization module will prepare a schedule of monthly loan payments, detailing the portion of each payment being applied to interest and principal and the resulting loan balance. It will handle regular fixed-rate mortgages. It is one of the slowest-running modules in this program, but a graphic progress indicator is provided. In an amortized loan, the amount of the monthly payments is calculated. From this payment, the monthly interest on the principal balance is calculated. Anything remaining from the monthly payment is used to reduce the principal balance, thereby reducing future interest amounts and freeing more of future payments to further reduce principal. At the conclusion of the loan pay-back period, the balance of the loan should be zero, that amount having been applied to reduce the principal balance. The remaining portions of the cumulative payments thus represent interest payments. Loan Amount: the original amount of the loan or principal Interest Rate: the annual rate of interest applied Loan Length: the period of time over which the loan is repaid Payment Amt: the monthly payment as calculated by the program Beep on finish: toggles "X" on or off to indicated whether to beep when the amortization routine concludes 1st Payment: the date of the first monthly payment - one month after loan date Pmt #: Monthly payment number Pmt Date: Date of the monthly payment To Interest: Amount of monthly payment applied to interest To Principal: Amount of monthly payment applied to reduce principal balance Balance: Remaining amount owed on loan This loan amortization module will prepare a schedule of monthly loan payments, detailing the portion of each payment being applied to interest and principal and the resulting loan balance. It will handle regular fixed-rate mortgages. It is one of the slowest-running modules in this program, but a graphic progress indicator is provided. In an amortized loan, the amount of the monthly payments is calculated. From this payment, the monthly interest on the principal balance is calculated. Anything remaining from the monthly payment is used to reduce the principal balance, thereby reducing future interest amounts and freeing more of future payments to further reduce principal. At the conclusion of the loan pay-back period, the balance of the loan should be zero, that amount having been applied to reduce the principal balance. The remaining portions of the cumulative payments thus represent interest payments. Loan Amount: the original amount of the loan or principal Interest Rate: the annual rate of interest applied Loan Length: the period of time over which the loan is repaid Payment Amt: the monthly payment as calculated by the program Beep on finish: toggles "X" on or off to indicated whether to beep when the amortization routine concludes 1st Payment: the date of the first monthly payment - one month after loan date Pmt #: Monthly payment number Pmt Date: Date of the monthly payment To Interest: Amount of monthly payment applied to interest To Principal: Amount of monthly payment applied to reduce principal balance Balance: Remaining amount owed on loan This loan amortization module will prepare a schedule of monthly loan payments, detailing the portion of each payment being applied to interest and principal and the resulting loan balance. It will handle regular fixed-rate mortgages. It is one of the slowest-running modules in this program, but a graphic progress indicator is provided. In an amortized loan, the amount of the monthly payments is calculated. From this payment, the monthly interest on the principal balance is calculated. Anything remaining from the monthly payment is used to reduce the principal balance, thereby reducing future interest amounts and freeing more of future payments to further reduce principal. At the conclusion of the loan pay-back period, the balance of the loan should be zero, that amount having been applied to reduce the principal balance. The remaining portions of the cumulative payments thus represent interest payments. Loan Amount: the original amount of the loan or principal Interest Rate: the annual rate of interest applied Loan Length: the period of time over which the loan is repaid Payment Amt: the monthly payment as calculated by the program Beep on finish: toggles "X" on or off to indicated whether to beep when the amortization routine concludes 1st Payment: the date of the first monthly payment - one month after loan date Pmt #: Monthly payment number Pmt Date: Date of the monthly payment To Interest: Amount of monthly payment applied to interest To Principal: Amount of monthly payment applied to reduce principal balance Balance: Remaining amount owed on loan This loan amortization module will prepare a schedule of monthly loan payments, detailing the portion of each payment being applied to interest and principal and the resulting loan balance. It will handle regular fixed-rate mortgages. It is one of the slowest-running modules in this program, but a graphic progress indicator is provided. In an amortized loan, the amount of the monthly payments is calculated. From this payment, the monthly interest on the principal balance is calculated. Anything remaining from the monthly payment is used to reduce the principal balance, thereby reducing future interest amounts and freeing more of future payments to further reduce principal. At the conclusion of the loan pay-back period, the balance of the loan should be zero, that amount having been applied to reduce the principal balance. The remaining portions of the cumulative payments thus represent interest payments. Loan Amount: the original amount of the loan or principal Interest Rate: the annual rate of interest applied Loan Length: the period of time over which the loan is repaid Payment Amt: the monthly payment as calculated by the program Beep on finish: toggles "X" on or off to indicated whether to beep when the amortization routine concludes 1st Payment: the date of the first monthly payment - one month after loan date Pmt #: Monthly payment number Pmt Date: Date of the monthly payment To Interest: Amount of monthly payment applied to interest To Principal: Amount of monthly payment applied to reduce principal balance Balance: Remaining amount owed on loan This loan amortization module will prepare a schedule of monthly loan payments, detailing the portion of each payment being applied to interest and principal and the resulting loan balance. It will handle regular fixed-rate mortgages. It is one of the slowest-running modules in this program, but a graphic progress indicator is provided. In an amortized loan, the amount of the monthly payments is calculated. From this payment, the monthly interest on the principal balance is calculated. Anything remaining from the monthly payment is used to reduce the principal balance, thereby reducing future interest amounts and freeing more of future payments to further reduce principal. At the conclusion of the loan pay-back period, the balance of the loan should be zero, that amount having been applied to reduce the principal balance. The remaining portions of the cumulative payments thus represent interest payments. Loan Amount: the original amount of the loan or principal Interest Rate: the annual rate of interest applied Loan Length: the period of time over which the loan is repaid Payment Amt: the monthly payment as calculated by the program Beep on finish: toggles "X" on or off to indicated whether to beep when the amortization routine concludes 1st Payment: the date of the first monthly payment - one month after loan date Pmt #: Monthly payment number Pmt Date: Date of the monthly payment To Interest: Amount of monthly payment applied to interest To Principal: Amount of monthly payment applied to reduce principal balance Balance: Remaining amount owed on loan This loan amortization module will prepare a schedule of monthly loan payments, detailing the portion of each payment being applied to interest and principal and the resulting loan balance. It will handle regular fixed-rate mortgages. It is one of the slowest-running modules in this program, but a graphic progress indicator is provided. In an amortized loan, the amount of the monthly payments is calculated. From this payment, the monthly interest on the principal balance is calculated. Anything remaining from the monthly payment is used to reduce the principal balance, thereby reducing future interest amounts and freeing more of future payments to further reduce principal. At the conclusion of the loan pay-back period, the balance of the loan should be zero, that amount having been applied to reduce the principal balance. The remaining portions of the cumulative payments thus represent interest payments. Loan Amount: the original amount of the loan or principal Interest Rate: the annual rate of interest applied Loan Length: the period of time over which the loan is repaid Payment Amt: the monthly payment as calculated by the program Beep on finish: toggles "X" on or off to indicated whether to beep when the amortization routine concludes 1st Payment: the date of the first monthly payment - one month after loan date Pmt #: Monthly payment number Pmt Date: Date of the monthly payment To Interest: Amount of monthly payment applied to interest To Principal: Amount of monthly payment applied to reduce principal balance Balance: Remaining amount owed on loan This loan amortization module will prepare a schedule of monthly loan payments, detailing the portion of each payment being applied to interest and principal and the resulting loan balance. It will handle regular fixed-rate mortgages. It is one of the slowest-running modules in this program, but a graphic progress indicator is provided. In an amortized loan, the amount of the monthly payments is calculated. From this payment, the monthly interest on the principal balance is calculated. Anything remaining from the monthly payment is used to reduce the principal balance, thereby reducing future interest amounts and freeing more of future payments to further reduce principal. At the conclusion of the loan pay-back period, the balance of the loan should be zero, that amount having been applied to reduce the principal balance. The remaining portions of the cumulative payments thus represent interest payments. Loan Amount: the original amount of the loan or principal Interest Rate: the annual rate of interest applied Loan Length: the period of time over which the loan is repaid Payment Amt: the monthly payment as calculated by the program Beep on finish: toggles "X" on or off to indicated whether to beep when the amortization routine concludes 1st Payment: the date of the first monthly payment - one month after loan date Pmt #: Monthly payment number Pmt Date: Date of the monthly payment To Interest: Amount of monthly payment applied to interest To Principal: Amount of monthly payment applied to reduce principal balance Balance: Remaining amount owed on loan This loan amortization module will prepare a schedule of monthly loan payments, detailing the portion of each payment being applied to interest and principal and the resulting loan balance. It will handle regular fixed-rate mortgages. It is one of the slowest-running modules in this program, but a graphic progress indicator is provided. In an amortized loan, the amount of the monthly payments is calculated. From this payment, the monthly interest on the principal balance is calculated. Anything remaining from the monthly payment is used to reduce the principal balance, thereby reducing future interest amounts and freeing more of future payments to further reduce principal. At the conclusion of the loan pay-back period, the balance of the loan should be zero, that amount having been applied to reduce the principal balance. The remaining portions of the cumulative payments thus represent interest payments. Loan Amount: the original amount of the loan or principal Interest Rate: the annual rate of interest applied Loan Length: the period of time over which the loan is repaid Payment Amt: the monthly payment as calculated by the program Beep on finish: toggles "X" on or off to indicated whether to beep when the amortization routine concludes 1st Payment: the date of the first monthly payment - one month after loan date Pmt #: Monthly payment number Pmt Date: Date of the monthly payment To Interest: Amount of monthly payment applied to interest To Principal: Amount of monthly payment applied to reduce principal balance Balance: Remaining amount owed on loan This loan amortization module will prepare a schedule of monthly loan payments, detailing the portion of each payment being applied to interest and principal and the resulting loan balance. It will handle regular fixed-rate mortgages. It is one of the slowest-running modules in this program, but a graphic progress indicator is provided. In an amortized loan, the amount of the monthly payments is calculated. From this payment, the monthly interest on the principal balance is calculated. Anything remaining from the monthly payment is used to reduce the principal balance, thereby reducing future interest amounts and freeing more of future payments to further reduce principal. At the conclusion of the loan pay-back period, the balance of the loan should be zero, that amount having been applied to reduce the principal balance. The remaining portions of the cumulative payments thus represent interest payments. Loan Amount: the original amount of the loan or principal Interest Rate: the annual rate of interest applied Loan Length: the period of time over which the loan is repaid Payment Amt: the monthly payment as calculated by the program Beep on finish: toggles "X" on or off to indicated whether to beep when the amortization routine concludes 1st Payment: the date of the first monthly payment - one month after loan date Pmt #: Monthly payment number Pmt Date: Date of the monthly payment To Interest: Amount of monthly payment applied to interest To Principal: Amount of monthly payment applied to reduce principal balance Balance: Remaining amount owed on loan This loan amortization module will prepare a schedule of monthly loan payments, detailing the portion of each payment being applied to interest and principal and the resulting loan balance. It will handle regular fixed-rate mortgages. It is one of the slowest-running modules in this program, but a graphic progress indicator is provided. In an amortized loan, the amount of the monthly payments is calculated. From this payment, the monthly interest on the principal balance is calculated. Anything remaining from the monthly payment is used to reduce the principal balance, thereby reducing future interest amounts and freeing more of future payments to further reduce principal. At the conclusion of the loan pay-back period, the balance of the loan should be zero, that amount having been applied to reduce the principal balance. The remaining portions of the cumulative payments thus represent interest payments. Loan Amount: the original amount of the loan or principal Interest Rate: the annual rate of interest applied Loan Length: the period of time over which the loan is repaid Payment Amt: the monthly payment as calculated by the program Beep on finish: toggles "X" on or off to indicated whether to beep when the amortization routine concludes 1st Payment: the date of the first monthly payment - one month after loan date Pmt #: Monthly payment number Pmt Date: Date of the monthly payment To Interest: Amount of monthly payment applied to interest To Principal: Amount of monthly payment applied to reduce principal balance Balance: Remaining amount owed on loan LifeInsurance Life&Death BUTTONUP BUTTONUP BUTTONUP BUTTONUP BUTTONUP BUTTONUP previous ButtonUp "Menu" ButtonUp ButtonUp Retirement "YearsToRetire" key, isShift, isCtrl B"Clear" keyDownArrow "Menu" "Brightridge" "Principal" "LumpSum" "LifeExpectancy" "AppreciationRate" "InflationRate" "YearlyNeeds" "Pension" "SocialSecurity" "AvailableNow" "AnyHelp" keyDown enterPage keyUp leavePage enterPage YearsToRetire keyDown YearsToRetire Clear KkeyDown Clear Brightridge Clear YearsToRetire YearsToRetire KkeyDown Brightridge KkeyDown KkeyDown Brightridge isCtrl isShift keyUp YearsToRetire YearsToRetire LumpSum LumpSum LifeExpectancy LifeExpectancy AppreciationRate InflationRate InflationRate YearlyNeeds YearlyNeeds Pension Pension SocialSecurity SocialSecurity AvailableNow AvailableNow leavePage AnyHelp = 1 l/100 "InflationRate" B>= 1 Z/100 "YearsToRetire" expected years 4retirement" "LifeExpectancy" life expectancy following "YearlyNeeds" yearly amount needed living expenses" "LumpSum" lump Prequired upon "Pension" your pension benefit" "SocialSecurity" "AvailableNow" have now available -- Adjust amounts inflation Field " AdjYearlyNeeds AdjLumpSum AdjPension AdjSocialSecurity -- Get PV PVAdjYearlyNeeds PVAdjPension PVAdjSocialSecurity AmountToRetire today's investible AdjAvailableNow net deficit RetirementDeficit ayments fund G*-1) )*-1 "RequiredYearly" buttonUp RequiredPayment RequiredPayment FutureValue Periods buttonUp AppreciationRate AppreciationRate Please enter the Rate of Appreciation AppreciationRate AppreciationRate AppreciationRate AppreciationRate AppreciationRate .0000 InflationRate InflationRate Please enter the Rate of Inflation InflationRate InflationRate InflationRate InflationRate InflationRate .0000 YearsToRetire Please enter expected number of years before retirement YearsToRetire LifeExpectancy Please enter life expectancy following retirement LifeExpectancy YearlyNeeds Please enter the yearly amount needed for living expenses YearlyNeeds LumpSum Please enter lump sum amount required upon retirement LumpSum Pension Please enter your expected yearly pension benefit Pension SocialSecurity Please enter your expected Social Security retirement benefit SocialSecurity AvailableNow Please enter the amount you have now available for retirement AvailableNow InflationRate YearsToRetire YearlyNeeds LumpSum Pension SocialSecurity AppreciationRate InflationRate LifeExpectancy AppreciationRate YearsToRetire AvailableNow AppreciationRate YearsToRetire RequiredPayment RequiredYearly RetirementDeficit AdjAvailableNow AmountToRetire PVAdjSocialSecurity PVAdjPension PVAdjYearlyNeeds AdjSocialSecurity AdjPension AdjLumpSum AdjYearlyNeeds Calculate Clear "Principal" "Rate" "Periods" "FutureValue" buttonUp buttonUp Principal Periods FutureValue Principal Clear Button RequiredYearly 3553226 "AnyHelp" buttonUp buttonUp AnyHelp Note: all amounts are in today's dollarssssssss?; AnyHelp Click on Page Title for definitionsssnitions "AnyHelp" buttonup buttonup AnyHelp RetirementHelp ButtonUp level "RetirementHelp" ButtonUp ButtonUp RetirementHelp level RetirementHelp Elevel This Retirement module is a very simplified approach to planning retirement needs. There are undoubtably many other factors that should be considered, so consider this as a first step. The calculations here take into consideration effects of inflation and investment opportunities, but real life is much more complex. The main thing to remember is that the best tool in building your retirement nest-egg is to "pay yourself first" by setting aside amounts from each paycheck so that the investment fund may grow over time. Avoid "get rich quick" schemes and the temptation to panic over temporary downturns in various investment vehicles. Also please note that this module does not take into consideration the effects of taxes. If we've learned anything at all about taxes, we've learned that they are subject to change. Years until retirement: the planned number of years until your retirement Life expectancy (post-retirement): the number of years you'll need to provide for yourself after retirement Assumed appreciation rate: the yearly rate at which your investments grow Assumed inflation rate: the yearly rate at which your money loses its buying power Yearly retirement expenses: money (today's dollars) needed to fund desired lifestyle after retirement Lump sum needed at retirement: funds desired to fund other goals at your retirement Yearly amount expected from pensions: income expected from pensions and similar plans Yearly amount expected from Social Security: if desired, estimate yearly benefits from Social Securiy Amount available today to invest toward retirement: funds available for investment toward retirement Calculated yearly amount needed to fund retirement goals: The calculated yearly investment needed : The calculated total face amount of life insurance needed now BlankPage "AboutBox" Send enterPage enterPage sizeToPage AboutBox AboutBox AboutBox AboutBox :PHYSSIZE ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddo dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFO FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFOF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddo dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFO FFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd ddddddddddd ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FarRange MidRange NearRange ^z6z[z Brightridge Hi, Finance! Hi, Finance! - ver 1.0 Copyright 1990, Brightridge Solutions, Inc. Technical Support (615) 246-3337 Tech. Support: (615) 246-3337 "AboutBox" buttonUp buttonUp AboutBox pinstripeB BUTTONUP BUTTONUP BUTTONUP BUTTONUP BUTTONUP BUTTONUP previous ButtonUp "Menu" ButtonUp ButtonUp Inflation EnterPage "Rate" %"#.00 %" "Principal" key, isShift, isCtrl B"Clear" keyDownArrow "Menu" "Brightridge" keyEnter B"Calculate" "Periods" "FutureValueHelp" "PrincipalHelp" "InflationRateHelp" "YearsHelp" keyDown EnterPage keyUp leavePage EnterPage #.00 % Principal keyDown Principal Clear KkeyDown Clear KkeyDown KkeyDown Brightridge Clear Principal Principal KkeyDown KkeyDown KkeyDown Brightridge buttonUp Calculate KkeyDown KkeyDown KkeyDown KkeyDown Brightridge isCtrl isShift keyUp Principal Principal Periods Periods leavePage FutureValueHelp PrincipalHelp InflationRateHelp YearsHelp &((N) InflationTitle "InflationHelp" buttonUp buttonUp InflationHelp InflationHelp How Inflation Robs your Dollar EnterField "FutureValueHelp" LeaveField default nterField buttonup EnterField LeaveField EnterField FutureValueHelp buttonup FutureValueHelp LeaveField FutureValueHelp default Value Then EnterField "YearsHelp" LeaveField default nterField buttonup EnterField LeaveField EnterField buttonup YearsHelp LeaveField default Years InterestRate EnterField "InflationRateHelp" LeaveField default nterField buttonup EnterField LeaveField EnterField buttonup InflationRateHelp LeaveField default Inflation Rate PrincipalLabel "PrincipalHelp" buttonup buttonup PrincipalHelp Value Today FutureValue $ 538,615110000011,277,000,000,000 Principal EnterField "Principal" LeaveField %"$#,000" ("Please enter the Amount Today's Money" Xtoday's value between $1 $10,000,000" EnterField LeaveField EnterField 0,100,0 0,0,0 LeaveField Principal Please enter the Amount of Today's Money Principal Principal Principal Please enter the today's value between $1 and $10,000,000 Principal 0,0,0 0,100,0 1000000 EnterField "Rate" LeaveField 8 = 0 ("Please enter the Appreciation" ~ <1 *100 CalcRate %"##.00%" EnterField LeaveField EnterField 0,100,0 0,0,0 LeaveField Please enter the Rate of Appreciation 0,0,0 0,100,0 ##.00% CalcRate 6.00 %2 Periods EnterField "Periods" EnterField leaveField EnterField 0,100,0 0,0,0 leaveField 0,0,0 0,100,0 Calculate "Principal" ("Please enter the Value Today" "Rate" Inflation" @>= 1 X/100 CalcRate %"##.00%" "Periods" years" Field " "FutureValue" %"$ #,###" buttonUp buttonUp Principal Please enter the Value Today Principal Please enter the Rate of Inflation ##.00% Periods Please enter the number of years Periods Periods Principal FutureValue FutureValue $ #,### CalcRate Calculate Clear "Principal" "Rate" "Periods" "FutureValue" buttonUp buttonUp Principal Periods FutureValue Principal Clear FutureValueHelp "FutureValueHelp" buttonup buttonup FutureValueHelp "Value Then" refers to the buying power of a sum of money at a time in the future after accounting for inflation. appreciation. PrincipalHelp "PrincipalHelp" buttonup buttonup PrincipalHelp Value today refers to a sum of money in today's dollars. InflationRateHelp "InflationRateHelp" buttonup buttonup InflationRateHelp The inflation rate refers to the estimated rate of inflation per year.r. YearsHelp "YearsHelp" buttonup buttonup YearsHelp Years is just what it sounds like... the InflationHelp ButtonUp level "InflationHelp" ButtonUp ButtonUp InflationHelp level InflationHelp f*level ^-v*[- When making financial calculations like these, it is quite easy to get excited when one sees how easy it is to accumulate sums of perhaps a million dollars over the years. To bring things back to earth, you must remember that inflation is gnawing at the buying power of that million dollars. To illustrate, if you left a million dollars sitting around today and inflation averaged just four percent a year, in twenty years its buying power would be just $442,000. At eight percent, it would be worth only $188,693 in today's dollars. Thus, it is very important to base your investment and protection decisions on the value of the dollars in that future time period. This page can assist you in adjusting those values. Intro Help1 Amortization Schedule To To # Date Interest Principal Balance instripe Schedule BUTTONUP BUTTONUP BUTTONUP BUTTONUP BUTTONUP BUTTONUP previous ButtonUp "Menu" ButtonUp ButtonUp default enterField leaveField enterField leaveField default LoanAmort EnterPage "Rate" Recordfield "Schedule" "WaitSign" "Principal" key, isShift, isCtrl B"Clear" keyDownArrow "Menu" "Brightridge" "RadioGroup" B"Months" B"Years" keyEnter B"OK" "Periods" "AnyHelp" keyDown EnterPage keyUp leavePage EnterPage #.0000 Schedule WaitSign Principal keyDown Principal Clear KkeyDown Clear Brightridge Principal Clear Principal Principal KkeyDown Brightridge RadioGroup buttonUp Months buttonUp Years Brightridge buttonUp KkeyDown KkeyDown Brightridge isCtrl isShift keyUp Principal Principal Periods Periods leavePage AnyHelp 9~:t; FDK:LDPTQ`SS "AnyHelp" buttonUp buttonUp AnyHelp Pmt Date "AnyHelp" buttonUp buttonUp AnyHelp To Interestl "AnyHelp" buttonUp buttonUp AnyHelp To Principal To Principal "AnyHelp" buttonUp buttonUp AnyHelp Balance Balance "AnyHelp" buttonUp buttonUp AnyHelp Pmt # Pmt # Loan Amortization "AnyHelp" buttonUp buttonUp AnyHelp Interest Rate: "AnyHelp" buttonUp buttonUp AnyHelp Loan Amount: "AnyHelp" buttonUp buttonUp AnyHelp Payment Amt: Principal EnterField LeaveField EnterField LeaveField EnterField 0,100,0 0,0,0 LeaveField 0,0,0 0,100,0 100000 EnterField LeaveField EnterField LeaveField EnterField 0,100,0 0,0,0 LeaveField 0,0,0 0,100,0 .06002 Periods EnterField LeaveField EnterField LeaveField EnterField 0,100,0 0,0,0 LeaveField 0,0,0 0,100,0 RadioGroup EnterField 0,30,0 EnterField leaveField EnterField leaveField PayMonth EnterField LeaveField EnterField LeaveField EnterField 0,100,0 0,0,0 LeaveField 0,0,0 0,100,0 PayDay EnterField LeaveField EnterField LeaveField EnterField 0,100,0 0,0,0 LeaveField 0,0,0 0,100,0 PayYear EnterField LeaveField EnterField LeaveField EnterField 0,100,0 0,0,0 LeaveField 0,0,0 0,100,0 "Principal" ("What the Amount Loan?" "Rate" Fannual rate interest?" _>= 1 w/100 "Periods" ("Over how many periods loan be repaid?" SysCursor progress "Completed" 2670,4455, ),4700 "WaitSign" Recordfield "Schedule" B"Months" Multiplier /12, Field " "Payments" %"$0.00" Balance PayMonth PayYear o*100 /100 TotalInterest TotalPrincipal CumInterest CumPrincipal PmtNo IntPay /12)*100 */100 PrincipalPay %"##0" = 13 & "/" & "PayDay" & "/" & = 12 "Totals 2685 + ( )*3254) 2670,4455, ,4700 -- Calculate final year /12)*100 %"##0" = 13 & "/" & %"$###,###.00" %"$###,###.00" Grand B"Beep" default buttonUp buttonUp Principal Principal What is the Amount of the Loan? Principal What is the annual rate of interest? .0000 .0000 Periods Periods Over how many periods is the loan to be repaid? Periods Completed WaitSign Schedule Months Principal Periods Payments Payments $0.00 Schedule Principal PayMonth PayYear Payments Periods ######.00 ######.00 ######.00 ######## #####.00 #####.00 PayDay Schedule --------------------------------------------------- Schedule Totals for Schedule Periods Completed Periods ######.00 ######.00 ######.00 ######## #####.00 #####.00 PayDay Schedule --------------------------------------------------- Schedule Totals for Schedule $###,###.00 $###,###.00 Schedule ================================================== Schedule Grand Totals: Schedule ================================================== Schedule WaitSign default PrincipalPay IntPay PmtNo:to PmtNo CumPrincipal CumInterest TotalPrincipal TotalInterest Payments PayYear PayMonth Balance Multiplier progress Amortize Clear "Principal" "Rate" "Periods" "Payments" J"Schedule" "WaitSign" default buttonUp buttonUp Principal Periods Payments Principal Schedule WaitSign default Clear Payments $1933.28152942827 "AnyHelp" buttonUp buttonUp AnyHelp n:F:k: Loan Length: "AnyHelp" buttonUp buttonUp AnyHelp d;<;a; 1st Payment: DownArrow UpArrow UpArrow PayMonth = 12 buttonUp buttonUp PayMonth Button DownArrow PayDay = 1 buttonUp buttonUp PayDay Button UpArrow PayDay = 31 buttonUp buttonUp PayDay Button DownArrow UpArrow UpArrow PayMonth = 12 buttonUp buttonUp PayMonth Button DownArrow PayYear = 1990 buttonUp buttonUp PayYear Button UpArrow PayYear = 2041 buttonUp buttonUp PayYear Button Months B"Months" B"Years" buttonUp buttonUp Months Years Years B"Months" B"Years" buttonUp buttonUp Months Years DownArrow PayMonth = 1 buttonUp buttonUp PayMonth UpArrow UpArrow PayMonth = 12 buttonUp buttonUp PayMonth Button DownArrow PayMonth = 1 buttonUp buttonUp PayMonth Button "AnyHelp" buttonUp buttonUp AnyHelp Beep on finish WaitSign Please be patient. This is one of those times when Toolbook is rather slow. You may want to go get a cup of coffee while Hi, Finance! prints your schedule on the scrolled schedule field. (On a 20MHz 386, a 30-year schedule takes about 2 minutes.) 0% 50% 100%%%%%%%% Completed Percent completed AnyHelp "AnyHelp" buttonup buttonup AnyHelp Click on "Loan Amortization" for definitions EnterButton LeaveButton utton EnterButton LeaveButton EnterButton 0,100,0 0,0,0 LeaveButton 0,0,0 0,100,0 "LoanAmortizationHelp" buttonUp buttonUp LoanAmortizationHelp LoanAmortizationHelp LoanAmortizationHelp ButtonUp level "LoanAmortizationHelp" ButtonUp ButtonUp LoanAmortizationHelp level LoanAmortizationHelp This loan amortization module will prepare a schedule of monthly loan payments, detailing the portion of each payment being applied to interest and principal and the resulting loan balance. In an amortized loan, the amount of the monthly payments is calculated. From this payment, the monthly interest on the principal balance is calculated. Anything remaining from the monthly payment is used to reduce the principal balance, thereby reducing future interest amounts and freeing more of future payments to further reduce principal. At the conclusion of the loan pay-back period, the balance of the loan should be zero, that amount having been applied to reduce the principal balance. The remaining portions of the cumulative payments thus represent interest payments. This module may run slowly, so a progress indicator is provided. Loan Amount: the original amount of the loan or principal Interest Rate: the annual rate of interest applied Loan Length: the period of time over which the loan is repaid Payment Amt: the monthly payment as calculated by the program Beep on finish: toggles "X" on or off to indicated whether to beep when the amortization routine concludes 1st Payment: the date of the first monthly payment - one month after loan date Pmt #: Monthly payment number Pmt Date: Date of the monthly payment To Interest: Amount of monthly payment applied to interest To Principal: Amount of monthly payment applied to reduce principal balance Balance: Remaining amount owed on loanhly payment applied to reduce principal balance Balance: Remaining amount owed on loan This loan amortization module will prepare a schedule of monthly loan payments, detailing the portion of each payment being applied to interest and principal and the resulting loan balance. It will handle regular fixed-rate mortgages. It is one of the slowest-running modules in this program, but a graphic progress indicator is provided. In an amortized loan, the amount of the monthly payments is calculated. From this payment, the monthly interest on the principal balance is calculated. Anything remaining from the monthly payment is used to reduce the principal balance, thereby reducing future interest amounts and freeing more of future payments to further reduce principal. At the conclusion of the loan pay-back period, the balance of the loan should be zero, that amount having been applied to reduce the principal balance. The remaining portions of the cumulative payments thus represent interest payments. Loan Amount: the original amount of the loan or principal Interest Rate: the annual rate of interest applied Loan Length: the period of time over which the loan is repaid Payment Amt: the monthly payment as calculated by the program Beep on finish: toggles "X" on or off to indicated whether to beep when the amortization routine concludes 1st Payment: the date of the first monthly payment - one month after loan date Pmt #: Monthly payment number Pmt Date: Date of the monthly payment To Interest: Amount of monthly payment applied to interest To Principal: Amount of monthly payment applied to reduce principal balance Balance: Remaining amount owed on loan This loan amortization module will prepare a schedule of monthly loan payments, detailing the portion of each payment being applied to interest and principal and the resulting loan balance. It will handle regular fixed-rate mortgages. It is one of the slowest-running modules in this program, but a graphic progress indicator is provided. In an amortized loan, the amount of the monthly payments is calculated. From this payment, the monthly interest on the principal balance is calculated. Anything remaining from the monthly payment is used to reduce the principal balance, thereby reducing future interest amounts and freeing more of future payments to further reduce principal. At the conclusion of the loan pay-back period, the balance of the loan should be zero, that amount having been applied to reduce the principal balance. The remaining portions of the cumulative payments thus represent interest payments. Loan Amount: the original amount of the loan or principal Interest Rate: the annual rate of interest applied Loan Length: the period of time over which the loan is repaid Payment Amt: the monthly payment as calculated by the program Beep on finish: toggles "X" on or off to indicated whether to beep when the amortization routine concludes 1st Payment: the date of the first monthly payment - one month after loan date Pmt #: Monthly payment number Pmt Date: Date of the monthly payment To Interest: Amount of monthly payment applied to interest To Principal: Amount of monthly payment applied to reduce principal balance Balance: Remaining amount owed on loan This loan amortization module will prepare a schedule of monthly loan payments, detailing the portion of each payment being applied to interest and principal and the resulting loan balance. It will handle regular fixed-rate mortgages. It is one of the slowest-running modules in this program, but a graphic progress indicator is provided. In an amortized loan, the amount of the monthly payments is calculated. From this payment, the monthly interest on the principal balance is calculated. Anything remaining from the monthly payment is used to reduce the principal balance, thereby reducing future interest amounts and freeing more of future payments to further reduce principal. At the conclusion of the loan pay-back period, the balance of the loan should be zero, that amount having been applied to reduce the principal balance. The remaining portions of the cumulative payments thus represent interest payments. Loan Amount: the original amount of the loan or principal Interest Rate: the annual rate of interest applied Loan Length: the period of time over which the loan is repaid Payment Amt: the monthly payment as calculated by the program Beep on finish: toggles "X" on or off to indicated whether to beep when the amortization routine concludes 1st Payment: the date of the first monthly payment - one month after loan date Pmt #: Monthly payment number Pmt Date: Date of the monthly payment To Interest: Amount of monthly payment applied to interest To Principal: Amount of monthly payment applied to reduce principal balance Balance: Remaining amount owed on loan This loan amortization module will prepare a schedule of monthly loan payments, detailing the portion of each payment being applied to interest and principal and the resulting loan balance. It will handle regular fixed-rate mortgages. It is one of the slowest-running modules in this program, but a graphic progress indicator is provided. In an amortized loan, the amount of the monthly payments is calculated. From this payment, the monthly interest on the principal balance is calculated. Anything remaining from the monthly payment is used to reduce the principal balance, thereby reducing future interest amounts and freeing more of future payments to further reduce principal. At the conclusion of the loan pay-back period, the balance of the loan should be zero, that amount having been applied to reduce the principal balance. The remaining portions of the cumulative payments thus represent interest payments. Loan Amount: the original amount of the loan or principal Interest Rate: the annual rate of interest applied Loan Length: the period of time over which the loan is repaid Payment Amt: the monthly payment as calculated by the program Beep on finish: toggles "X" on or off to indicated whether to beep when the amortization routine concludes 1st Payment: the date of the first monthly payment - one month after loan date Pmt #: Monthly payment number Pmt Date: Date of the monthly payment To Interest: Amount of monthly payment applied to interest To Principal: Amount of monthly payment applied to reduce principal balance Balance: Remaining amount owed on loan This loan amortization module will prepare a schedule of monthly loan payments, detailing the portion of each payment being applied to interest and principal and the resulting loan balance. It will handle regular fixed-rate mortgages. It is one of the slowest-running modules in this program, but a graphic progress indicator is provided. In an amortized loan, the amount of the monthly payments is calculated. From this payment, the monthly interest on the principal balance is calculated. Anything remaining from the monthly payment is used to reduce the principal balance, thereby reducing future interest amounts and freeing more of future payments to further reduce principal. At the conclusion of the loan pay-back period, the balance of the loan should be zero, that amount having been applied to reduce the principal balance. The remaining portions of the cumulative payments thus represent interest payments. Loan Amount: the original amount of the loan or principal Interest Rate: the annual rate of interest applied Loan Length: the period of time over which the loan is repaid Payment Amt: the monthly payment as calculated by the program Beep on finish: toggles "X" on or off to indicated whether to beep when the amortization routine concludes 1st Payment: the date of the first monthly payment - one month after loan date Pmt #: Monthly payment number Pmt Date: Date of the monthly payment To Interest: Amount of monthly payment applied to interest To Principal: Amount of monthly payment applied to reduce principal balance Balance: Remaining amount owed on loan This loan amortization module will prepare a schedule of monthly loan payments, detailing the portion of each payment being applied to interest and principal and the resulting loan balance. It will handle regular fixed-rate mortgages. It is one of the slowest-running modules in this program, but a graphic progress indicator is provided. In an amortized loan, the amount of the monthly payments is calculated. From this payment, the monthly interest on the principal balance is calculated. Anything remaining from the monthly payment is used to reduce the principal balance, thereby reducing future interest amounts and freeing more of future payments to further reduce principal. At the conclusion of the loan pay-back period, the balance of the loan should be zero, that amount having been applied to reduce the principal balance. The remaining portions of the cumulative payments thus represent interest payments. Loan Amount: the original amount of the loan or principal Interest Rate: the annual rate of interest applied Loan Length: the period of time over which the loan is repaid Payment Amt: the monthly payment as calculated by the program Beep on finish: toggles "X" on or off to indicated whether to beep when the amortization routine concludes 1st Payment: the date of the first monthly payment - one month after loan date Pmt #: Monthly payment number Pmt Date: Date of the monthly payment To Interest: Amount of monthly payment applied to interest To Principal: Amount of monthly payment applied to reduce principal balance Balance: Remaining amount owed on loan This loan amortization module will prepare a schedule of monthly loan payments, detailing the portion of each payment being applied to interest and principal and the resulting loan balance. It will handle regular fixed-rate mortgages. It is one of the slowest-running modules in this program, but a graphic progress indicator is provided. In an amortized loan, the amount of the monthly payments is calculated. From this payment, the monthly interest on the principal balance is calculated. Anything remaining from the monthly payment is used to reduce the principal balance, thereby reducing future interest amounts and freeing more of future payments to further reduce principal. At the conclusion of the loan pay-back period, the balance of the loan should be zero, that amount having been applied to reduce the principal balance. The remaining portions of the cumulative payments thus represent interest payments. Loan Amount: the original amount of the loan or principal Interest Rate: the annual rate of interest applied Loan Length: the period of time over which the loan is repaid Payment Amt: the monthly payment as calculated by the program Beep on finish: toggles "X" on or off to indicated whether to beep when the amortization routine concludes 1st Payment: the date of the first monthly payment - one month after loan date Pmt #: Monthly payment number Pmt Date: Date of the monthly payment To Interest: Amount of monthly payment applied to interest To Principal: Amount of monthly payment applied to reduce principal balance Balance: Remaining amount owed on loan This loan amortization module will prepare a schedule of monthly loan payments, detailing the portion of each payment being applied to interest and principal and the resulting loan balance. It will handle regular fixed-rate mortgages. It is one of the slowest-running modules in this program, but a graphic progress indicator is provided. In an amortized loan, the amount of the monthly payments is calculated. From this payment, the monthly interest on the principal balance is calculated. Anything remaining from the monthly payment is used to reduce the principal balance, thereby reducing future interest amounts and freeing more of future payments to further reduce principal. At the conclusion of the loan pay-back period, the balance of the loan should be zero, that amount having been applied to reduce the principal balance. The remaining portions of the cumulative payments thus represent interest payments. Loan Amount: the original amount of the loan or principal Interest Rate: the annual rate of interest applied Loan Length: the period of time over which the loan is repaid Payment Amt: the monthly payment as calculated by the program Beep on finish: toggles "X" on or off to indicated whether to beep when the amortization routine concludes 1st Payment: the date of the first monthly payment - one month after loan date Pmt #: Monthly payment number Pmt Date: Date of the monthly payment To Interest: Amount of monthly payment applied to interest To Principal: Amount of monthly payment applied to reduce principal balance Balance: Remaining amount owed on loan This loan amortization module will prepare a schedule of monthly loan payments, detailing the portion of each payment being applied to interest and principal and the resulting loan balance. It will handle regular fixed-rate mortgages. It is one of the slowest-running modules in this program, but a graphic progress indicator is provided. In an amortized loan, the amount of the monthly payments is calculated. From this payment, the monthly interest on the principal balance is calculated. Anything remaining from the monthly payment is used to reduce the principal balance, thereby reducing future interest amounts and freeing more of future payments to further reduce principal. At the conclusion of the loan pay-back period, the balance of the loan should be zero, that amount having been applied to reduce the principal balance. The remaining portions of the cumulative payments thus represent interest payments. Loan Amount: the original amount of the loan or principal Interest Rate: the annual rate of interest applied Loan Length: the period of time over which the loan is repaid Payment Amt: the monthly payment as calculated by the program Beep on finish: toggles "X" on or off to indicated whether to beep when the amortization routine concludes 1st Payment: the date of the first monthly payment - one month after loan date Pmt #: Monthly payment number Pmt Date: Date of the monthly payment To Interest: Amount of monthly payment applied to interest To Principal: Amount of monthly payment applied to reduce principal balance Balance: Remaining amount owed on loan This loan amortization module will prepare a schedule of monthly loan payments, detailing the portion of each payment being applied to interest and principal and the resulting loan balance. It will handle regular fixed-rate mortgages. It is one of the slowest-running modules in this program, but a graphic progress indicator is provided. In an amortized loan, the amount of the monthly payments is calculated. From this payment, the monthly interest on the principal balance is calculated. Anything remaining from the monthly payment is used to reduce the principal balance, thereby reducing future interest amounts and freeing more of future payments to further reduce principal. At the conclusion of the loan pay-back period, the balance of the loan should be zero, that amount having been applied to reduce the principal balance. The remaining portions of the cumulative payments thus represent interest payments. Loan Amount: the original amount of the loan or principal Interest Rate: the annual rate of interest applied Loan Length: the period of time over which the loan is repaid Payment Amt: the monthly payment as calculated by the program Beep on finish: toggles "X" on or off to indicated whether to beep when the amortization routine concludes 1st Payment: the date of the first monthly payment - one month after loan date Pmt #: Monthly payment number Pmt Date: Date of the monthly payment To Interest: Amount of monthly payment applied to interest To Principal: Amount of monthly payment applied to reduce principal balance Balance: Remaining amount owed on loan This loan amortization module will prepare a schedule of monthly loan payments, detailing the portion of each payment being applied to interest and principal and the resulting loan balance. It will handle regular fixed-rate mortgages. It is one of the slowest-running modules in this program, but a graphic progress indicator is provided. In an amortized loan, the amount of the monthly payments is calculated. From this payment, the monthly interest on the principal balance is calculated. Anything remaining from the monthly payment is used to reduce the principal balance, thereby reducing future interest amounts and freeing more of future payments to further reduce principal. At the conclusion of the loan pay-back period, the balance of the loan should be zero, that amount having been applied to reduce the principal balance. The remaining portions of the cumulative payments thus represent interest payments. Loan Amount: the original amount of the loan or principal Interest Rate: the annual rate of interest applied Loan Length: the period of time over which the loan is repaid Payment Amt: the monthly payment as calculated by the program Beep on finish: toggles "X" on or off to indicated whether to beep when the amortization routine concludes 1st Payment: the date of the first monthly payment - one month after loan date Pmt #: Monthly payment number Pmt Date: Date of the monthly payment To Interest: Amount of monthly payment applied to interest To Principal: Amount of monthly payment applied to reduce principal balance Balance: Remaining amount owed on loan This loan amortization module will prepare a schedule of monthly loan payments, detailing the portion of each payment being applied to interest and principal and the resulting loan balance. It will handle regular fixed-rate mortgages. It is one of the slowest-running modules in this program, but a graphic progress indicator is provided. In an amortized loan, the amount of the monthly payments is calculated. From this payment, the monthly interest on the principal balance is calculated. Anything remaining from the monthly payment is used to reduce the principal balance, thereby reducing future interest amounts and freeing more of future payments to further reduce principal. At the conclusion of the loan pay-back period, the balance of the loan should be zero, that amount having been applied to reduce the principal balance. The remaining portions of the cumulative payments thus represent interest payments. Loan Amount: the original amount of the loan or principal Interest Rate: the annual rate of interest applied Loan Length: the period of time over which the loan is repaid Payment Amt: the monthly payment as calculated by the program Beep on finish: toggles "X" on or off to indicated whether to beep when the amortization routine concludes 1st Payment: the date of the first monthly payment - one month after loan date Pmt #: Monthly payment number Pmt Date: Date of the monthly payment To Interest: Amount of monthly payment applied to interest To Principal: Amount of monthly payment applied to reduce principal balance Balance: Remaining amount owed on loan level Help4 B"HelpMenu" "ComboBoxes" "ScrollFields" "Up/DownButtons" "DialogBoxes" enterPage leavePage enterPage HelpMenu leavePage ComboBoxes 240,50,100 ComboBoxes 0,100,0 ScrollFields 240,50,100 ScrollFields 0,100,0 Up/DownButtons 240,50,100 Up/DownButtons 0,100,0 DialogBoxes 240,50,100 DialogBoxes 0,100,0 HiField Hi, Finance! Help: Page 4hree- Menus & Navigation Special Gadgets & Gadeossssss scrollField keyDownArrow "scrollfield" nterField keyDown enterField leaveField enterField 60,50,100 keyDown scrollfield scrollfield scrollfield scrollfield scrollfield scrollfield scrollfield scrollfield scrollfield scrollfield leaveField 0,100,0 level When you see a scroll bar on the right or bottom of a field, it indicates that there is probably more to see than can be shown within the confines of that field on the screen. You can click the up or down arrows or drag the "thumb" to scroll the field's contents, or use the arrow keys or "page up" and "page down" keys. Make sure you don't miss something important! Scroll Fields ScrollFields "HowToUse" B"HelpMenu" "Items" - Menus & Mice" tonUp keyDown buttonUp leaveButton buttonUp HowToUse keyDown HelpMenu leaveButton Items HowToUse Items - Menus & Mice Scroll bars: Using the mouse, point at arrow & hold down left button or drag "thumb" to reach destination. On keyboard, use up/down arrows or PageUp & PageDown keys.. :PHYSSIZE dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooodd wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwp wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwp wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFd FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd Dialog Boxes DialogBoxes "HowToUse" B"HelpMenu" "Items" - Menus & Mice" tonUp keyDown buttonUp leaveButton buttonUp HowToUse keyDown HelpMenu leaveButton Items HowToUse Items - Menus & Mice Dialog Boxes: Type here & click or tab buttonst.ns))))))))))))))tab) Pa(aMa Combo Boxes ComboBoxes "HowToUse" B"HelpMenu" "Items" - Menus & Mice" tonUp keyDown buttonUp leaveButton buttonUp HowToUse keyDown HelpMenu leaveButton Items HowToUse Items - Menus & Mice Combo Boxes: can enter text in field or click item from listbox. tbox. re information......on. Click here ! CategoryComboLabel Cleaning Suppliesnce CategoryComboList RESETBORDERSTYLE 4u, l, tl, m 4u, l, tl, m, svTextLineNumber + <= u + 15 + 1) c >= l - 15 + 6) svTextLIneNumber > 0 "CategoryComboLabel" ESETBORDERSTYLE buttondown buttonstilldown RESETBORDERSTYLE buttonup RESETBORDERSTYLE scrolling rectangle buttondown buttonstilldown textfrompoint svTextLineNumber buttonup textfrompoint svTextLIneNumber CategoryComboLabel svTextLineNumber Building Maintenance Cleaning Supplies Donations Freight Ted O. Topasture, V.P. , V.P. tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt CategoryComboButton CategoryComboList buttonDown buttonDown CategoryComboList PayYear EnterField LeaveField EnterField LeaveField EnterField 0,100,0 0,0,0 LeaveField 0,0,0 0,100,0 DownArrow UpArrow UpArrow PayYear = 12 buttonUp buttonUp PayYear Button DownArrow PayYear = 1990 buttonUp buttonUp PayYear Button UpArrow PayYear = 2041 buttonUp buttonUp PayYear Button Up/Down Buttons Up/DownButtons "HowToUse" B"HelpMenu" "Items" - Menus & Mice" tonUp keyDown buttonUp leaveButton buttonUp HowToUse keyDown HelpMenu leaveButton Items HowToUse Items - Menus & Mice Up/Down buttons: click up to increment, down to decrement, or use arrow arrow keys. :PHYSSIZE Amount LeaveRecordField J"Amount" > HunThousand = "1" "One" ?= "2" "Two" `= "3" "Three" = "4" "Four" "WordAmount" && "Hundred" LeaveRecordField LeaveRecordField PayYear PayMonth PayDay WINBANK BRIGHTRIDGE SOLUTIONS, INC. 615-246-3337 1534 Brightridge Drive Kingsport, TN 37664 :PHYSSIZE CheckNumber CheckTool = l - 15 + 6) svTextLIneNumber > 0 "SignerComboLabel" ESETBORDERSTYLE buttondown buttonstilldown RESETBORDERSTYLE buttonup RESETBORDERSTYLE scrolling rectangle buttondown buttonstilldown textfrompoint svTextLineNumber buttonup textfrompoint svTextLIneNumber SignerComboLabel svTextLineNumber Eager T. Beaver, V.P. Roger C. Hoover, Pres. Wach T. Money, Treasurer Verie T. Overthehill, V.P. tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt SignerComboButton SignerComboList buttonDown buttonDown SignerComboList PayeeComboLabel "PayeeComboLabel" keyEnter buttonUp keyDown buttonUp PayeeComboLabel keyDown PayeeComboLabel lKDKiK ABC Supply Company Co.c. PayeeComboList RESETBORDERSTYLE 4u, l, tl, m 4u, l, tl, m, svTextLineNumber + <= u + 15 + 1) c >= l - 15 + 6) svTextLIneNumber > 0 "PayeeComboLabel" ESETBORDERSTYLE buttondown buttonstilldown RESETBORDERSTYLE buttonup RESETBORDERSTYLE scrolling rectangle buttondown buttonstilldown textfrompoint svTextLineNumber buttonup textfrompoint svTextLIneNumber PayeeComboLabel svTextLineNumber ABC Supply Company Chicago Tribune Dawson Power Co. Dunston & Sandberg, Inc. Grace Delivery Service Ivy Groundskeeping Co. Murphy's Bleachers The Stadium Club WGN Continental Broadcasting PayeeComboButton PayeeComboList buttonDown buttonDown PayeeComboList CategoryComboLabel Cleaning Suppliesnce CategoryComboList RESETBORDERSTYLE 4u, l, tl, m 4u, l, tl, m, svTextLineNumber + <= u + 15 + 1) c >= l - 15 + 6) svTextLIneNumber > 0 "CategoryComboLabel" ESETBORDERSTYLE buttondown buttonstilldown RESETBORDERSTYLE buttonup RESETBORDERSTYLE scrolling rectangle buttondown buttonstilldown textfrompoint svTextLineNumber buttonup textfrompoint svTextLIneNumber CategoryComboLabel svTextLineNumber Advertising Building Maintenance Cleaning Supplies Donations Entertainment Freight Securitys. tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt CategoryComboButton CategoryComboList buttonDown buttonDown CategoryComboList FVAnnuity EnterPage "Rate" %"#.00" "Payments" key, isShift, isCtrl B"Clear" keyDownArrow "Menu" "Brightridge" "Principal" "PmtRadioGroup" B"PerMonth" B"PerYear" "PerRadioGroup" B"Months" B"Years" keyEnter B"Calculate" "Periods" "FutureValueHelp" "PaymentHelp" "InterestRateHelp" "PeriodsHelp" keyDown EnterPage keyUp leavePage EnterPage Payments keyDown Payments Clear KkeyDown Clear KkeyDown KkeyDown Brightridge Clear Payments Principal KkeyDown KkeyDown KkeyDown Brightridge PmtRadioGroup buttonUp PerMonth buttonUp PerYear KkeyDown KkeyDown Brightridge PerRadioGroup buttonUp Months buttonUp Years KkeyDown KkeyDown Brightridge buttonUp Calculate KkeyDown KkeyDown KkeyDown KkeyDown Brightridge isCtrl isShift keyUp Payments Payments Periods Periods leavePage FutureValueHelp PaymentHelp InterestRateHelp PeriodsHelp (4* + Future value of regular investments investmentsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss "PaymentHelp" buttonUp buttonUp PaymentHelp Payment AmountPayme....... "PeriodsHelp" buttonUp buttonUp PeriodsHelp Periods "InterestRateHelp" buttonUp buttonUp InterestRateHelp Rate (/yr.) "FutureValueHelp" buttonUp buttonUp FutureValueHelp Future Value FutureValue $1,7554,2270,026,069,600,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Payments EnterField "Payments" LeaveField %"$#,000.00" EnterField LeaveField EnterField 0,100,0 0,0,0 LeaveField 0,0,0 0,100,0 PmtRadioGroup EnterField 0,30,100 0,30,100 0,30,100 EnterField leaveField EnterField 0,100,0 leaveField Periods 284Yl EnterField "Periods" EnterField leaveField EnterField 0,100,0 0,0,0 leaveField 0,0,0 0,100,0 PerRadioGroup EnterField 0,30,100 0,30,100 0,30,100 EnterField leaveField EnterField 0,100,0 leaveField EnterField "Rate" LeaveField * >=1 C /100 EnterField LeaveField EnterField 0,100,0 0,0,0 LeaveField 0,0,0 0,100,0 Calculate FVannuityFactor Rate, Periods (((1+ )-1)/ B"PerMonth" PeriodsPerYear B"Months" Multiplier "Payments" " >= 1 "/100 Field " "FutureValue" %"$#,000" buttonUp FVannuityFactor FVannuityFactor Periods buttonUp PerMonth Months Payments Payments Periods Periods Periods FVannuityFactor Payments FutureValue FutureValue $#,000 Multiplier PeriodsPerYear Calculate Clear "Payments" "Rate" "Periods" "FutureValue" key, isShift, isCtrl buttonUp keyDown buttonUp Payments Periods FutureValue Payments keyDown Payments isCtrl isShift Clear PerMonth B"PerMonth" B"PerYear" B"Months" B"Years" buttonUp buttonUp PerMonth PerYear Months Years /Month PerYear B"PerMonth" B"PerYear" B"Months" B"Years" buttonUp buttonUp PerMonth PerYear Months Years /Year Months B"Months" B"Years" buttonUp buttonUp Months Years Months Years B"Months" B"Years" buttonUp buttonUp Months Years Years InterestRateHelp "InterestRateHelp" buttonup buttonup InterestRateHelp The rate is the annual rate of appreciation on the investment.erest on an annual basis.. PaymentHelp "PaymentHelp" buttonup buttonup PaymentHelp Payment Amount refers to the amount of regular periodic investments. loan. FutureValueHelp "FutureValueHelp" buttonup buttonup FutureValueHelp Future Value is the accumulated value of the investment at the end of the investment period. PeriodsHelp "PeriodsHelp" buttonup buttonup PeriodsHelp Periods are the years or months over which the investments are made.d. FVAnnuityHelp ButtonUp level "FVAnnuityHelp" ButtonUp ButtonUp FVAnnuityHelp level FVAnnuityHelp 6level This module, Future value of regular investments, shows how making regular periodic investments can pay off in accumulated savings or investments. It is similar in concept to the preceding module, "Today's investment grows", except here the amount invested is contributed to each period throughout the period of investment. Technically, we are calculating the future value of an annuity. An important concept here is that considerable funds can be built through regular investments even if there is no large lump sum available. You should "pay yourself first" by investing a portion of each paycheck before you can blow the cash. onus hint: a quick way to calculate growing investments is a little tool called the "Rule of 72": take the number 72 and divide it by the rate of appreciation (e.g., 8 percent). The result (9, in this case) is the approximate number of years it takes for the investment to double itself.. "FVAnnuityHelp" buttonUp buttonUp FVAnnuityHelp FVAnnuityHelp PVAnnuity EnterPage "Rate" %"#.00" "Payments" key, isShift, isCtrl B"Clear" keyDownArrow "Menu" "Brightridge" "PmtRadioGroup" B"PerMonth" B"PerYear" "PerRadioGroup" B"Months" B"Years" keyEnter B"Calculate" "Periods" "PresentValueHelp" "PaymentHelp" "InterestRateHelp" "PeriodsHelp" keyDown EnterPage keyUp leavePage EnterPage Payments keyDown Payments Clear KkeyDown Clear KkeyDown KkeyDown Brightridge Clear Payments Payments KkeyDown KkeyDown KkeyDown Brightridge PmtRadioGroup buttonUp PerMonth buttonUp PerYear KkeyDown KkeyDown Brightridge PerRadioGroup buttonUp Months buttonUp Years KkeyDown KkeyDown Brightridge Calculate buttonUp Calculate KkeyDown KkeyDown KkeyDown KkeyDown Brightridge isCtrl isShift keyUp Payments Payments Periods Periods leavePage PresentValueHelp PaymentHelp InterestRateHelp PeriodsHelp ,0.l/ "PresentValueHelp" buttonUp buttonUp PresentValueHelp Present Value "InterestRateHelp" buttonUp buttonUp InterestRateHelp Rate "PaymentHelp" buttonUp buttonUp PaymentHelp Payment Amounttaym........ "PeriodsHelp" buttonUp buttonUp PeriodsHelp Periods Payments EnterField LeaveField EnterField LeaveField EnterField 0,100,0 0,0,0 LeaveField 0,0,0 0,100,0 PmtRadioGroup EnterField 0,30,100 0,30,100 0,30,100 EnterField leaveField EnterField 0,100,0 leaveField Periods EnterField LeaveField EnterField LeaveField EnterField 0,100,0 0,0,0 LeaveField 0,0,0 0,100,0 PerRadioGroup EnterField 0,30,100 0,30,100 0,30,100 EnterField leaveField EnterField 0,100,0 leaveField &5^Y] EnterField LeaveField EnterField LeaveField EnterField 0,100,0 0,0,0 LeaveField 0,0,0 0,100,0 .10000 Calculate "Rate" =0 ("Please enter Appreciation" "Payments" cpayment amount" "Periods" Jperiods" >= 1 B"PerMonth" PeriodsPerYear B"Months" Multiplier Field " "PresentValue" %"$#,000" buttonUp buttonUp Please enter Rate of Appreciation .0000 Payments Payments Please enter payment amount Payments Periods Periods Please enter the number of payment periods Periods .0000 Periods Periods PerMonth Months Periods Payments PresentValue PresentValue $#,000 Multiplier PeriodsPerYear Calculate Clear "Payments" "Rate" "Periods" "FutureValue" buttonUp buttonUp Payments Periods FutureValue Payments Clear PresentValue $119,69579,485 Present Value of Regular Payments Future Value of Regular Payments PerMonth B"PerMonth" B"PerYear" B"Months" B"Years" buttonUp buttonUp PerMonth PerYear Months Years /Month PerYear B"PerMonth" B"PerYear" B"Months" B"Years" buttonUp buttonUp PerMonth PerYear Months Years /Year Years B"Months" B"Years" buttonUp buttonUp Months Years Years Months B"Months" B"Years" buttonUp buttonUp Months Years Months PaymentHelp "PaymentHelp" buttonup buttonup PaymentHelp Payment Amount refers to the amount of regular periodic investments. loan. InterestRateHelp "InterestRateHelp" buttonup buttonup InterestRateHelp The rate is the annual rate of appreciation on the investment.erest on an annual basis.. PeriodsHelp "PeriodsHelp" buttonup buttonup PeriodsHelp Periods are the years or months over which the investments are made.d. PresentValueHelp "PresentValueHelp" buttonup buttonup PresentValueHelp Present Value is the value of the payments over the course of the investment discounted to the present.time "PVAnnuityHelp" buttonUp buttonUp PVAnnuityHelp PVAnnuityHelp PVAnnuityHelp ButtonUp level "PVAnnuityHelp" ButtonUp ButtonUp PVAnnuityHelp level PVAnnuityHelp 6level This module, Present value of regular investments, is another way of showing how making regular periodic investments can pay off in accumulated savings or investments. It is similar in concept to the preceding module, "Future value of regular payments", except here we discount the compounded value of those payments back to the equivalent lump sum necessary to invest today at the same rate to equal the same cash accumulation at the end of the investment period. mportant concept here is that considerable funds can be built through regular investments even if there is no large lump sum available. You should "pay yourself first" by investing a portion of each paycheck before you can blow the cash. lled the "Rule of 72": take the number 72 and divide it by the rate of appreciation (e.g., 8 percent). The result (9, in this case) is the approximate number of years it takes for the investment to double itself.. ReqPmtAmt EnterPage "FutureValue" key, isShift, isCtrl B"Clear" keyDownArrow "Menu" "Brightridge" keyEnter B"Calculate" "PmtRadioGroup" B"PerMonth" B"PerYear" "PerRadioGroup" B"Months" B"Years" "Rate" "Periods" "FutureValueHelp" "PaymentHelp" "InterestRateHelp" "PeriodsHelp" keyDown EnterPage keyUp leavePage EnterPage FutureValue keyDown FutureValue Clear KkeyDown Clear KkeyDown KkeyDown Brightridge buttonUp Calculate Clear FutureValue FutureValue KkeyDown KkeyDown KkeyDown Brightridge buttonUp Calculate PmtRadioGroup buttonUp PerMonth buttonUp PerYear KkeyDown KkeyDown Brightridge buttonUp Calculate PerRadioGroup buttonUp Months buttonUp Years KkeyDown KkeyDown Brightridge buttonUp Calculate buttonUp Calculate KkeyDown KkeyDown KkeyDown KkeyDown Brightridge isCtrl isShift keyUp FutureValue FutureValue Periods Periods leavePage FutureValueHelp PaymentHelp InterestRateHelp PeriodsHelp "InterestRateHelp" buttonUp buttonUp InterestRateHelp Rate "PeriodsHelp" buttonUp buttonUp PeriodsHelp Periods "PaymentHelp" buttonUp buttonUp PaymentHelp Payment Amount.ayme....... "FutureValueHelp" buttonup buttonup FutureValueHelp Future Value Payments Required to Achieve Goal FutureValue EnterField LeaveField EnterField LeaveField EnterField 0,100,0 0,0,0 LeaveField 0,0,0 0,100,0 1000 EnterField LeaveField EnterField LeaveField EnterField 0,100,0 0,0,0 LeaveField 0,0,0 0,100,0 .1000 PmtRadioGroup EnterField 0,30,100 0,30,100 0,30,100 EnterField leaveField EnterField 0,100,0 leaveField Periods EnterField LeaveField EnterField LeaveField EnterField 0,100,0 0,0,0 LeaveField 0,0,0 0,100,0 PerRadioGroup EnterField 0,30,100 0,30,100 0,30,100 EnterField leaveField EnterField 0,100,0 leaveField Calculate RequiredPayment Rate, Periods, FutureValue )-1)/ ("Please enter Discount " >= 1 "/100 B"PerMonth" PeriodsPerYear B"Months" Multiplier Field " *100 /100 "Payments" %"$#,##0.00" buttonUp RequiredPayment RequiredPayment FutureValue Periods buttonUp FutureValue FutureValue Please enter Discount Rate .0000 Periods Periods PerMonth Months Periods FutureValue RequiredPayment Payments Payments $#,##0.00 Multiplier PeriodsPerYear Calculate Clear "Payments" "Rate" "Periods" "FutureValue" buttonUp buttonUp Payments Periods FutureValue FutureValue Clear Payments $ 46.76 PerMonth B"PerMonth" B"PerYear" B"Months" B"Years" buttonUp buttonUp PerMonth PerYear Months Years /Month PerYear B"PerMonth" B"PerYear" B"Months" B"Years" buttonUp buttonUp PerMonth PerYear Months Years /Year Months B"Months" B"Years" buttonUp buttonUp Months Years Months Years B"Months" B"Years" buttonUp buttonUp Months Years Years PaymentHelp "PaymentHelp" buttonup buttonup PaymentHelp Payment Amount refers to the required amount of regular periodic investments. FutureValueHelp "FutureValueHelp" buttonup buttonup FutureValueHelp Future Value is the accumulated value of the investment at the end of the investment period. InterestRateHelp "InterestRateHelp" buttonup buttonup InterestRateHelp The rate is the annual rate of appreciation on the investment.erest on an annual basis.. PeriodsHelp "PeriodsHelp" buttonup buttonup PeriodsHelp Periods are the years or months over which the investments are made.d. "ReqPmtAmtHelp" buttonUp buttonUp ReqPmtAmtHelp ReqPmtAmtHelp ReqPmtAmtHelp ButtonUp level "ReqPmtAmtHelp" ButtonUp ButtonUp ReqPmtAmtHelp level ReqPmtAmtHelp 2level This module, Payments required to achieve goal, starts from the standpoint of a financial goal the investor desires to achieve. At a given rate of appreciation an number of payments, the module calculates the amount of periodic payment necessary to achieve the goal. he compounded value of those payments back to the equivalent lump sum necessary to invest today at the same rate to equal the same cash accumulation at the end of the investment period. mportant concept here is that considerable funds can be built through regular investments even if there is no large lump sum available. You should "pay yourself first" by investing a portion of each paycheck before you can blow the cash. lled the "Rule of 72": take the number 72 and divide it by the rate of appreciation (e.g., 8 percent). The result (9, in this case) is the approximate number of years it takes for the investment to double itself.. HowToUse BRS_yellow Brightridge Solutions, Inc. Brightridge Solutions, Inc. Brightridge Solutions, Inc. FarRange MidRange NearRange BRS_black Brightridge Solutions, Inc. HI, FINANCE! FIRST OF OUR TOOLBOOK APPS Hi, Finance! is an introductory program from Brightridge Solutions, Inc. You can read an article about its development in the September 1990 edition of PC PowerWindows Magazine. Scheduled for near-term release is CheckTool, a checkbook application also utilizing ToolBook. Other ToolBook applications in development include time-and-billing, activity/client scheduling and tracking, and similar database and productivity programs. We encourage you to contact Brightridge Solutions with your suggestions, areas of interest, or information regarding customized program development. PCPowerWindows "PCPW" buttonUp buttonUp CheckTool "CheckTool" buttonUp buttonUp CheckTool Brightridge Solutions, Inc. is the developer of computer software products designed to meet the needs of small businesses and individuals. It was organized in 1989 with Roger C. Hoover, CPA, MBA, as its President and Chairman. Products released and in development include accounting, finance, and productivity management software for the Microsoft Windows and Presentation Manager environments. Roger "Roger" buttonUp buttonUp Roger WINDOWS 3.0 ACCOUNTING PROGRAM NEARING RELEASE Brightridge Solutions is planning to release an as-yet unnamed accounting program for Windows 3.0 in the near future. This will be a full-featured program featuring General Ledger, Accounts Receivable, and Accounts Payable functions, specifically tailored to meet the needs of small businesses. The goal of the program's designers is to provide businesses a means of accumulating and reporting data in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principals (GAAP), while at the same time engineering a user interface to enable economical use. Features of the software package will include consistent and well-aranged input and report screens and generous use of context-sensitive help, check boxes, list boxes, radio buttons, and combo boxes where appropriate. The program will be competitively priced..... ReqPmtAmt Retirement o o } 8 . 5 ButtonUp "Menu" ButtonUp ButtonUp BUTTONUP BUTTONUP BUTTONUP previous BUTTONUP BUTTONUP BUTTONUP Evaluating Investments: NPV & IRRnt Value "NPVHelp" buttonUp buttonUp NPVHelp NPVHelp LoanAmort Register `D|D| Courier `D|D| Tms Rmn `D|D| `D|D| System `D|D| Courier `D|D| `D|D| `D|D| Tms Rmn `D|D| Tms Rmn `D|D| Tms Rmn `D|D| `D|D| :PRINTLAYOUT :REPORTDATA Tms Rmn `D|D| System `D|D| System `D|D| Tms Rmn `D|D| Terminal `D|D| System `D|D| Courier `D|D| `D|D| `D|D| Courier `D|D| `D|D| `D|D| Tms Rmn `D|D| `D|D| Courier `D|D| Schedule Tms Rmn `D|D| s Rmn `D|D| Tms Rmn `D|D| Tms Rmn u`D|D| Tms Rmn `D|D| System `D|D| Tms Rmn `D|D| `D|D| Tms Rmn `D|D| Tms Rmn `D|D| s Rmn u`D|D| `D|D| `D|D| `D|D| `D|D| `D|D| Hi, Finance! `D|D| System Tms Rmn `D|D| `D|D| EnterBook -- suppress cbar initially sizetoPage Brightridge logo elements "NearRange" "MidRange" "FarRange" "Sky" "Sun" "presents_Yellow" "presents_black" -- Modify c"&Menu" "Main & "Mortgage Loan &Calculator" Amortization" "&Life Insurance Required" "Planning &Retirement" "Investment Evaluation: NPV & IRR" "How &Inflation Robs Your $$$" "Today's f&Grows" "&Future Value Regular Payments" "&Present 8 Amount Use Hi, Finance!" "About & Solutions, Inc." OHi, & q..." c"File" c"Edit" "History" "Import" "Export" c"Text" "NewPage" "First" "Last" MainMenu MortgageLoanCalculator "MortgagePmts" LoanAmortization LifeInsuranceRequired PlanningforRetirement InvestmentEvaluationNPVIRR HowInflationRobsYour TodaysInvestmentGrows "FVLumpSum" FutureValueofRegularPayments "FVAnnuity" PresentValueofRegularPayments "PVAnnuity" PaymentAmountRequired "ReqPmtAmt" HowtoUseHiFinance "HowToUse" AboutBrightridgeSolutionsInc AboutHiFinance LifeInsuranceRequired EnterBook PlanningforRetirement InvestmentEvaluationNPVIRR MortgageLoanCalculator HowInflationRobsYour TodaysInvestmentGrows FutureValueofRegularPayments PresentValueofRegularPayments LoanAmortization PaymentAmountRequired HowtoUseHiFinance AboutBrightridgeSolutionsInc MainMenu AboutHiFinance EnterBook sizetoPage NearRange MidRange FarRange presents_Yellow presents_black &Menu Main &Menu Mortgage Loan &Calculator Loan &Amortization &Life Insurance Required Planning for &Retirement Investment Evaluation: NPV & IRR How &Inflation Robs Your $$$ Today's Investment &Grows &Future Value of Regular Payments &Present Value of Regular Payments Pa&yment Amount Required &How to Use Hi, Finance! About &Brightridge Solutions, Inc. About Hi, &Finance!... History Import Export NewPage First MainMenu MortgageLoanCalculator MortgagePmts LoanAmortization LoanAmort LifeInsuranceRequired LifeInsurance PlanningforRetirement Retirement InvestmentEvaluationNPVIRR HowInflationRobsYour Inflation TodaysInvestmentGrows FVLumpSum FutureValueofRegularPayments FVAnnuity PresentValueofRegularPayments PVAnnuity PaymentAmountRequired ReqPmtAmt HowtoUseHiFinance HowToUse AboutBrightridgeSolutionsInc Brightridge AboutHiFinance paste outHiFinance paste Tms Rmn `D|D| EnterBook -- suppress cbar initially sizetoPage Brightridge logo elements "NearRange" "MidRange" "FarRange" "Sky" "Sun" "presents_Yellow" "presents_black" -- Modify c"&Menu" "Main & "Mortgage Loan &Calculator" Amortization" "&Life Insurance Required" "Planning &Retirement" "Investment Evaluation: NPV & IRR" "How &Inflation Robs Your $$$" "Today's f&Grows" "&Future Value Regular Payments" "&Present 8 Amount Use Hi, Finance!" "About & Solutions, Inc." OHi, & q..." c"File" c"Edit" "History" "Import" "Export" c"Text" "NewPage" "First" "Last" MainMenu MortgageLoanCalculator "MortgagePmts" LoanAmortization LifeInsuranceRequired PlanningforRetirement InvestmentEvaluationNPVIRR HowInflationRobsYour TodaysInvestmentGrows "FVLumpSum" FutureValueofRegularPayments "FVAnnuity" PresentValueofRegularPayments "PVAnnuity" PaymentAmountRequired "ReqPmtAmt" HowtoUseHiFinance "HowToUse" AboutBrightridgeSolutionsInc AboutHiFinance LifeInsuranceRequired EnterBook PlanningforRetirement InvestmentEvaluationNPVIRR MortgageLoanCalculator HowInflationRobsYour TodaysInvestmentGrows FutureValueofRegularPayments PresentValueofRegularPayments LoanAmortization PaymentAmountRequired HowtoUseHiFinance AboutBrightridgeSolutionsInc MainMenu AboutHiFinance EnterBook sizetoPage NearRange MidRange FarRange presents_Yellow presents_black &Menu Main &Menu Mortgage Loan &Calculator Loan &Amortization &Life Insurance Required Planning for &Retirement Investment Evaluation: NPV & IRR How &Inflation Robs Your $$$ Today's Investment &Grows &Future Value of Regular Payments &Present Value of Regular Payments Pa&yment Amount Required &How to Use Hi, Finance! About &Brightridge Solutions, Inc. About Hi, &Finance!... History Import Export NewPage First MainMenu MortgageLoanCalculator MortgagePmts LoanAmortization LoanAmort LifeInsuranceRequired LifeInsurance PlanningforRetirement Retirement InvestmentEvaluationNPVIRR HowInflationRobsYour Inflation TodaysInvestmentGrows FVLumpSum FutureValueofRegularPayments FVAnnuity PresentValueofRegularPayments PVAnnuity PaymentAmountRequired ReqPmtAmt HowtoUseHiFinance HowToUse AboutBrightridgeSolutionsInc Brightridge AboutHiFinance paste AboutHiFinance paste Tms Rmn `D|D| pinstripe&buttons logoPage EnterPage "NearRange" "MidRange" "FarRange" "Sky" "Sun" "BRS_black" "BRS_yellow" 4680,540 4720,570 "presents_yellow" "presents_black" EnterPage EnterPage NearRange MidRange FarRange BRS_black BRS_yellow BRS_black presents_yellow presents_black FarRange BRS_black Brightridge Solutions, Inc. MidRange NearRange presents_black presents... BRS_yellow Brightridge Solutions, Inc. presents_yellow presents... Copyright 1990 Brightridge Solutions, Inc. All Rights Reserved logoPage Extra Intro default enterField leaveField enterField leaveField default Hi, Finance! is designed to help you plan your personal finances. It may also prove valuable in making business decisions. It is not designed to replace competent assistance from professionals like your CPA, investment broker, or insurance agent, but as a guide to your planning and as an aid to your better understanding of the dynamics of personal finance. This program is distributed as shareware. Feel free to examine it under no obligation. You may also make copies for others. If you decide to use it, you must register it. This will entitle you to free support and upgrades, earn the author's undying gratitude, and ease your otherwise guilty conscience. The next screen will provide an opportunity to register. Upon receipt of your your registration number, you can also make these first two screens go away! Roger C. Hoover, CPA, MBA wrote this program and may be contacted on CompuServe at 74676,235. Copyright 1990 Brightridge Solutions, Inc. default enterField leaveField enterField leaveField default Hi, Finance! BUTTONUP BUTTONUP BUTTONUP FarRange MidRange NearRange BRS_Inc Brightridge Solutions, Inc. Brightridge Solutions, Inc. Please Click to Continue! butt3 = keyEnter keyDown keyDown blankPage Mortgage_Pmts pinstripe o o } BUTTONUP BUTTONUP BUTTONUP BUTTONUP BUTTONUP BUTTONUP previous ButtonUp "Menu" ButtonUp ButtonUp FVLumpSum EnterPage "Rate" %"#.00 %" "Principal" key, isShift, isCtrl B"Clear" keyDownArrow "Menu" "Brightridge" "RadioGroup" B"Months" B"Years" keyEnter B"Calculate" "Periods" "FutureValueHelp" "PrincipalHelp" "InterestRateHelp" "PeriodsHelp" keyDown EnterPage keyUp leavePage EnterPage #.00 % Principal keyDown Principal Clear KkeyDown Clear KkeyDown KkeyDown Brightridge Clear Principal Principal KkeyDown KkeyDown KkeyDown Brightridge RadioGroup buttonUp Months buttonUp Years KkeyDown KkeyDown Brightridge buttonUp Calculate KkeyDown KkeyDown KkeyDown KkeyDown Brightridge isCtrl isShift keyUp Principal Principal Periods Periods leavePage FutureValueHelp PrincipalHelp InterestRateHelp PeriodsHelp %4*z+f,N- "FVLumpSumHelp" buttonUp buttonUp FVLumpSumHelp FVLumpSumHelp How today's investment grows PrincipalLabel EnterField "PrincipalHelp" LeaveField default nterField buttonup EnterField LeaveField EnterField buttonup PrincipalHelp LeaveField default Principal InterestRate EnterField "InterestRateHelp" LeaveField default nterField buttonup EnterField LeaveField EnterField buttonup InterestRateHelp LeaveField default EnterField "PeriodsHelp" LeaveField default nterField buttonup EnterField LeaveField EnterField buttonup PeriodsHelp LeaveField default Periods EnterField "FutureValueHelp" LeaveField default nterField buttonup EnterField LeaveField EnterField buttonup FutureValueHelp LeaveField default Future Value FutureValueHelp "FutureValueHelp" buttonup buttonup FutureValueHelp Future Value is what the principal invested today will grow to in the future at the specified rate of appreciation.tion. FutureValue $16,105 PrincipalQuestion "PrincipalHelp" B"PrincipalQuestion" buttonUp buttonUp PrincipalHelp PrincipalQuestion PrincipalQuestion PrincipalHelp buttonUp buttonUp PrincipalHelp ButtonUp "PrincipalHelp" ButtonUp ButtonUp PrincipalHelp Principal EnterField LeaveField EnterField LeaveField EnterField 0,100,0 0,0,0 LeaveField 0,0,0 0,100,0 10000 EnterField "Rate" LeaveField 7 = 0 ("Please enter the Appreciation" ~ <1 *100 CalcRate %"##.00%" EnterField LeaveField EnterField 0,100,0 0,0,0 LeaveField Please enter the Rate of Appreciation ##.00% 0,0,0 0,100,0 CalcRate 10.00 % Periods EnterField "Periods" ("Please enter the periods" EnterField leaveField EnterField 0,100,0 0,0,0 leaveField Periods Please enter the number of periods Periods 0,0,0 0,100,0 RadioGroup EnterField 0,30,100 0,30,100 0,30,100 EnterField leaveField EnterField 0,100,0 leaveField Calculate "Rate" ("Please enter the Appreciation" R>= 1 j/100 CalcRate "Principal" initial investment between $1 $10,000,000" B"Months" PeriodsPerYear Field " "FutureValue" %"$#,000" buttonUp buttonUp Please enter the Rate of Appreciation Principal Principal Please enter initial investment between $1 and $10,000,000 Principal Months Periods Principal FutureValue FutureValue $#,000 PeriodsPerYear CalcRate Calculate Clear "Principal" "Rate" "Periods" "FutureValue" buttonUp buttonUp Principal Periods FutureValue Principal Clear Months B"Months" B"Years" buttonUp buttonUp Months Years Months Years B"Months" B"Years" buttonUp buttonUp Months Years Years Button InterestRateHelp "InterestRateHelp" buttonup buttonup InterestRateHelp The rate is the percentage by which the investment appreciates per year. PeriodsHelp "PeriodsHelp" buttonup buttonup PeriodsHelp Periods are the compounding periods over which the investment is held. PrincipalHelp "PrincipalHelp" buttonup buttonup PrincipalHelp Principal refers to the amount of investment.ent. FVLumpSumHelp ButtonUp level "FVLumpSumHelp" ButtonUp ButtonUp FVLumpSumHelp level FVLumpSumHelp 6level X6P2U6 Those with only modest incomes or assets are tempted to put off investing for the future on the grounds that they have nothing significant to invest. This module, How today's investment grows, demonstrates that even small sums can grow into impressive figures given enough time and adequate rates of interest or other appreciation. This occurs through the magic of compound interest. The growth takes place as interest on the initial investment is added to the nest-egg. The next interest would thus be based on a larger principal amount, thereby making it larger, and as the process continues the principal grows increasingly larger. The process here is know technically as the future value of a lump sum. Bonus hint: a quick way to calculate growing investments is a little tool called the "Rule of 72": take the number 72 and divide it by the rate of appreciation (e.g., 8 percent). The result (9, in this case) is the approximate number of years it takes for the investment to double itself. Help2 Register B"EnterLicenseNumber" enterPage enterPage EnterLicenseNumber default enterField leaveField enterField leaveField default Hi, Finance! default enterField leaveField enterField leaveField default Hi, Finance! is shareware. You may examine the software at no obligation and make copies for others. Should you decide to use the program, however, you have an obligation to pay a registration fee which entitles you to free support and future upgrades. Registering also allows you to get rid of these annoying screens! Individual user license: $30.00 Pre-licensed program diskette 35.00 (residents of TN please add local sales tax) For more information, contact the author on CIS forums MSWIN, WINAPA, or WINAPB: Roger Hoover (Brightridge) 74676,235 To obtain your license, send appropriate fee to: Brightridge Solutions, Inc. 1534 Brightridge Drive Kingsport, TN 37664 (615) 246-3337 EnterLicenseNumber ("Please enter your %registered" "License registration procedure xcompleted" RegisteredName the license zissued HBrightridge Solutions" LicenseNumber NameValue CodedName O* (4/3)) "There a problem which prevents completion process. asure you entered them correctly." ""BlankPage""" "Licensed "LicenseHolder" "Menu" "Your have questions comments, be contact us. Thanks!" B"Continue" keyDownArrow buttonUp keyDown buttonUp Please enter your name as registered cancel License registration procedure not completed Please enter the license number issued by Brightridge Solutions cancel License registration procedure not completed There is a problem which prevents completion of this process. Please check your number and name as registered to make sure you entered them correctly. go to page "BlankPage" Licensed to LicenseHolder Your license is now registered. If you have any questions or comments, be sure to contact us. Thanks! CodedName NameValue LicenseNumber RegisteredName keyDown Continue Continue Continue Enter License Number Continue "BlankPage" B"EnterLicenseNumber" keyDownArrow buttonUp keyDown buttonUp BlankPage keyDown EnterLicenseNumber EnterLicenseNumber EnterLicenseNumber Continue B"MortgageCalculator" key, isShift, isCtrl B"HowToUse" keyDownArrow "Brightridge" keyEnter B"LoanAmortization" B"Retirement" B"FVLumpSum" B"Inflation" B"FVAnnuity" B"PVAnnuity" B"LifeInsurance" B"NPV" B"ReqPmtAmt" "Menu" enterPage keyDown enterPage MortgageCalculator keyDown MortgageCalculator HowToUse KkeyDown HowToUse Brightridge HowToUse KkeyDown KkeyDown Brightridge buttonUp HowToUse LoanAmortization LoanAmort Retirement Retirement FVLumpSum FVLumpSum Inflation Inflation FVAnnuity FVAnnuity PVAnnuity PVAnnuity LifeInsurance LifeInsurance ReqPmtAmt ReqPmtAmt KkeyDown KkeyDown Brightridge isCtrl isShift default enterField leaveField enterField leaveField default Hi, Finance!! HowToUse How to use Hi, Finance!!!!! MortgageCalculator 0,30,100 Mortgage Loan Calculator Mortgage Loan Calculatorrrrrrrrrrrrr MortgageCalculator 5/5Y6 ButtonUp "MortgagePmts" enterButton leaveButton ButtonUp enterButton leaveButton ButtonUp MortgagePmts LoanAmort Loan Amortization LoanAmortization ButtonUp "LoanAmort" enterButton ButtonUp leaveButton enterButton ButtonUp LoanAmort leaveButton LifeInsurance Life Insurance Required LifeInsurance ButtonUp "LifeInsurance" tonUp enterButton ButtonUp leaveButton ButtonUp LifeInsurance enterButton leaveButton Retirement Planning for Retirement Retirement ButtonUp "Retirement" tonUp enterButton ButtonUp leaveButton ButtonUp Retirement enterButton leaveButton Investment Eval.: NPV& IRRRR ButtonUp "NPV" tonUp enterButton ButtonUp leaveButton ButtonUp enterButton leaveButton Inflation How Inflation Robs your $$$$ Inflation ButtonUp "Inflation" tonUp enterButton ButtonUp leaveButton ButtonUp Inflation enterButton leaveButton FVLumpSum Today's Investment Grows FVLumpSum ButtonUp "FVLumpSum" tonUp enterButton ButtonUp leaveButton ButtonUp FVLumpSum enterButton leaveButton FVAnnuity Future Value of Reg. Pmts. FVAnnuity ButtonUp "FVAnnuity" tonUp enterButton ButtonUp leaveButton ButtonUp FVAnnuity enterButton leaveButton PVAnnuity Present Value of Reg. Pmts.ts.nts PVAnnuity ButtonUp "PVAnnuity" enterButton leaveButton ButtonUp enterButton leaveButton ButtonUp PVAnnuity ReqAmt Payment Amount Requireddd v d!# ReqPmtAmt ButtonUp "ReqPmtAmt" tonUp enterButton ButtonUp leaveButton ButtonUp ReqPmtAmt enterButton leaveButton HowToUse ButtonUp "HowToUse" tonUp enterButton ButtonUp leaveButton ButtonUp HowToUse enterButton leaveButton Copyright 1990 Brightridge Solutions, Inc. All Rights Reserved FarRange MidRange NearRange Brightridge B"MortgageCalculator" "Brightridge" utton enterButton buttonUp enterButton MortgageCalculator buttonUp Brightridge BUTTONUP BUTTONUP BUTTONUP B"MortgageCalculator" enterButton enterButton MortgageCalculator LicenseHolder l-$-i- Unlicensed Evaluation Copy Unlicensed Evaluation Copy p4p4p4 MortgagePmts EnterPage "Rate" "Principal" key, isShift, isCtrl B"Clear" keyDownArrow "Menu" "Brightridge" "RadioGroup" B"Months" B"Years" keyEnter B"Calculate" "Periods" "PrincipalHelp" "PaymentHelp" "InterestRateHelp" "PeriodsHelp" keyDown EnterPage keyUp leavePage EnterPage .0000 Principal keyDown Principal Clear KkeyDown Clear Brightridge Clear Principal Principal KkeyDown Brightridge RadioGroup buttonUp Months buttonUp Years Brightridge buttonUp Calculate KkeyDown KkeyDown Brightridge isCtrl isShift keyUp Principal Principal Periods Periods leavePage PrincipalHelp PaymentHelp InterestRateHelp PeriodsHelp (>*f. "MortgageLoanCalculatorHelp" buttonUp buttonUp MortgageLoanCalculatorHelp MortgageLoanCalculatorHelp Mortgage Loan Calculator "PrincipalHelp" buttonUp buttonUp PrincipalHelp Principal "InterestRateHelp" buttonUp buttonUp InterestRateHelp Rate (/yr.) "PeriodsHelp" buttonUp buttonUp PeriodsHelp Periods "PaymentHelp" buttonUp buttonUp PaymentHelp Payment Amt.nt Paymentttttttttttttttttttttttt Payments $237.903008635879 BUTTONUP BUTTONUP BUTTONUP previous BUTTONUP BUTTONUP BUTTONUP ButtonUp "Menu" ButtonUp ButtonUp InterestRateHelp "InterestRateHelp" buttonup buttonup InterestRateHelp The rate is the percentage of the principal balance due as interest on an annual basis.. PrincipalHelp "PrincipalHelp" buttonup buttonup PrincipalHelp Principal refers to the original amount borrowed. PeriodsHelp "PeriodsHelp" buttonup buttonup PeriodsHelp Periods are the years or months over which the loan is held. PaymentHelp "PaymentHelp" buttonup buttonup PaymentHelp Payment Amount refers to the periodic payment necessary to repay the loan. Principal EnterField LeaveField EnterField LeaveField EnterField 0,100,0 0,0,0 LeaveField 0,0,0 0,100,0 10000 EnterField LeaveField EnterField LeaveField EnterField 0,100,0 0,0,0 LeaveField 0,0,0 0,100,0 .1500 Periods EnterField LeaveField EnterField LeaveField EnterField 0,100,0 0,0,0 LeaveField 0,0,0 0,100,0 RadioGroup EnterField 0,30,100 0,30,100 0,30,100 EnterField leaveField EnterField 0,100,0 leaveField Calculate "Principal" ("What the amount loan?" "Rate" Iinterest rate?" @>= 1 Y/100 "Periods" ("How many B"Months" Multiplier /12, Field " "Payments" %"$0.00" buttonUp buttonUp Principal Principal What is the amount of the loan? Principal What interest rate? .0000 Periods Periods How many Periods? Periods Months Principal Periods Payments Payments $0.00 Multiplier Calculate Clear "Principal" "Rate" "Periods" "Payments" buttonUp buttonUp Principal Periods Payments Principal Clear Months B"Months" B"Years" buttonUp buttonUp Months Years Months Years B"Months" B"Years" buttonUp buttonUp Months Years Years MortgageLoanCalculatorHelp ButtonUp level "MortgageLoanCalculatorHelp" ButtonUp ButtonUp MortgageLoanCalculatorHelp level MortgageLoanCalculatorHelp 2level This mortgage loan calculator can help you quickly find out how much the monthly payment on a regular fixed-rate mortgage will be. If you need a detailed amortization schedule, the "Loan Amortization" page will do that for you, as well as calculate the monthly payment. This calculator is much faster than the amortizer, however. "l *b\aR